How a Personal Tragedy Inspired the Need to Help Others

In September 2022 my wife and I quit our incarnate jobs and started creating a new organisation that would change the lives of people in the community. Focusing on social integration of compromising and isolated mass who rattling just want to start out out, meet people and have a good time. This is my story:

Life was pretty neat, I was 25 and had been living in Sydney with my girlfriend, Jenna for 2 years. I am originally from a settlement just outside Montreal, Canada. I had a great farm out at a big bank and had worked my way of life busy a managerial emplacement. Then my life completely changed at the end of 2011 when both my parents were diagnosed with life threatening illnesses. This was particularly calculative for me as I am an alone child and they were living in Canada.


At 74 years old my founder was diagnosed with lung cancer. Atomic number 2 was releas to weekly chemotherapy treatments at the topical anesthetic hospital. These treatments took a price on his intellectual and physical strengths. He could no more do things he had cooked wholly his life, like driving, walking long distances and skiing. As luck would have it, helium had my mum as his primary carer. My mum, 54 days emeritus at the time, had e'er been the rock of our family, a super foaming and energetic woman who had countless passions and interests. Our extended family and I all relied happening her for help or advice and she was taking very good care of my daddy until Sep 2012. All of a sudden, a vicious brain virus called Herpes virus Encephalitis turned her into a vegetable state.

I went to Canada for a few months to help them out. It was the middle of winter, -20 degree temperature, I would motor my dad to the hospital where he would get chemotherapy on the first floor and I would go visit my mum along the third floor atomic number 3 she was recovering. It took two years but finally my dad was cleared from his cancer and my mum was able to be single-handed after having learnt to do everything again – walking, eating, brushing her hair, dressing and all the other little things in life.


Once they had fully recovered Jenna and I moved them to Sydney so that we could be some them and help them tabu more. Equally an only child, it became delicate reconciliation full time work with deuce adult dependants. I started working a forward farm out As a PT to afford the nurses, medical bills and their other expenses. But that meant I wasn't able to spend arsenic much time with them as I would the like and, being self-directed hoi polloi, they welcome to exit – to the beach, the shops or just for a walk of life. This was challenging as they both had short full term memory difficulties and weren't able to get their bearings in a new city. I would actually spend a some hours a day on the headphone with them directing them how to get home, and they plane stopped a few random cars and asked them to take them home (which was terrifying).

So a friend who was in between jobs offered to payoff them to the beach. They took the bus with her, went for a walk and a coffee and afterwards they couldn't terminate speaking well-nig how some they enjoyed it. After she went back to figure out we tried to find someone to continue taking them out but weren't able to find anyone who was trustworthy and passionate on the internet and later on speaking to care agencies we wouldn't be able to afford the high prices they supercharged but to look into for a coffee.

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Jenna and I quickly realised there was a massive gap in the market. I wished on that point was someone who could look into in on my parents, calculate out for them and help with everyday tasks. IT wasn't just about making sure their medical needs were being met, but more about someone who cared about their well being and safety when I couldn't physically be or so. Mortal to take them intent on the beach, assistant them with groceries and simply be a friend.

Our objective was to follow out our organisation and so my parents could benefit. Alas, my founder passed away in Dec 2022 and we launched Home plate Care Heroes on January 31st , 2016. Now our imagination is to proceed to furnish peace of intellect to masses like myself and to produce friendships and give support to masses in the community like my dad, so that multitude can get a little bit more out of their life.


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