Wkayli Who Died and Came Back and Lived for 2 Years Is She Still Alive

Podcasts about Klement

  • Oct 9, 2021 LATEST


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Latest podcast episodes about Klement


This week my friend Justin Klement joins us to talk about elk and grizzly bears. Justin recently hunted in Wyoming and had a number of bear encounters including two charges while trying to pack meat out. On this podcast he shares the story with us. Use code Rokcast at checkout for 20% off of OnX Hunt Maps -> http://www.onxmaps.com/hunt

Schlusskonferenz - Der Fußball-Podcast zu Bundesliga & Co.

Wie viel Aytekin steckt in der BVB-Niederlage bei Gladbach? Marschieren die Bayern jetzt wieder davon? Warum kann Christian Streich keine Humba? Und was ist nur bei der Hertha los? Wir besprechen den sechsten Spieltag.

Café Weltschmerz

Iedere dinsdag nemen mr. Jeroen Pols en mw. mr. Maria-Louise Genet samen de relevante juridische ontwikkelingen van de week door. Vandaag komt het vierde deel van de dagvaarding tegen de Gezondheidsraad aan bod. Hierbij wordt ingegaan op de aanvaardbaarheidstoets. Deel 1: ernst en omvang van de ziektelast (24 augustus 2021) (nog niet via Weltschmerz) Deel 2: effectiviteit (7 september 2021) Deel 3: veiligheid van de injecties (14 september 2021) Deel 4: aanvaardbaarheidstoets (21 september 2021) Deel 5: doelmatigheid & prioritering van de vaccinatie + herhaling deel 1 (28 september 2021) Deel 6: bespreking van Kamerstukken/debatten alsmede de Mexicaanse Griep (5 oktober 2021) Bronnen: ~ De rest overleed aan andere aandoeningen en had daarvoor een positieve test. Zie: https://www.rivm.nl/sites/default/files/2021-08/COVID-19_WebSite_rapport_wekelijks_20210817_1158_publicatie.pdf ~ Conclusie: Om drie levens te verlengen moeten we er twee accepteren als gevolg van injecties. Walach, H.; Klement, R.J.; Aukema,W. The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy. Vaccines 2021, 9, 693. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9070693 ~ Verenigd Koninkrijk aanschaf van antibloedstollingsmiddelen BP om post-vaccinatietrombosevorming te behandelen. Zie: https://yourtenderteam.co.uk/contracts/nhs-framework-agreement-for-the-supply-of-direct-oral-anticoagulants-doacs-for-the-nhs-in-england/ --- Deze video is geproduceerd door Café Weltschmerz. Café Weltschmerz gelooft in de kracht van het gesprek en zendt interviews uit over actuele maatschappelijke thema's. Wij bieden een hoogwaardig alternatief voor de mainstream media. Café Weltschmerz is onafhankelijk en niet verbonden aan politieke, religieuze of commerciële partijen. Waardeer je onze video's? Help ons een in de strijd naar een eerlijker Nederland, vrij van censuur en Steun Café Weltschmerz. https://steun.cafeweltschmerz.nl/ Wil je onze nieuwsbrief ontvangen in je mailbox? https://cafeweltschmerz.nl/nieuwsbrief/ Wil je op de hoogte worden gebracht van onze nieuwe video's? Klik hierboven dan op Abonneren!


Lauren and JJ investigate a case of sudden collapse in a young dog. This episode includes a detailed review of heat stroke in dogs. References: 1. Rothrock, K., Shell, L., Carr, & A. (2017). Heat stroke. VINcyclopedia of diseases. www.vin.com 2. Wells, R. (2012). Environmental Emergencies. Proceedings from the Western Veterinary Conference 2012. 3. Aroch, I., Klement, Y., & Bruchim, Y. (2007). Nucleated red blood cells and their association with mortality in canine heatstroke. Proceedings from the 17th european college of veterinary internal medicine congress.

Fleischzeit - Carnivore and more

Dr. Rainer Klement ist Medizinphysiker und forscht im Bereich Strahlentherapie und ketogener Ernährung bei Krebs. Er berichtet im Podcast von einer sehr großen Studie zur ketogenen Ernährung bei Brustkrebspatientinnen, Rektumkarzinompatienten sowie Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Krebspatienten, bei der sich ein klarer Vorteil für die ketogene Ernährung gezeigt hat, insbesondere bei der metabolischen Gesundheit, den Blutwerten sowie der Lebensqualität. Er ist über seine eigene Leidensgeschichte mit Darmentzündungen als Triathlet auf die Paleo-Ernährung gekommen. Rainer betont im Interview auch die Wichtigkeit tierischer Lebensmittel. Auch seine negativen Erfahrungen zur Vereinbarkeit von Hochleistungstraining und reinem Carnivore teilt er uns mit. Als Mitglied der Gesellschaft für Evolutionäre Medizin und Gesundheit EMG hat er auch bereits Vortragende zur Carnivoren Ernährung eingeladen. Alle Studien und Artikel von Dr. Rainer Klement könnt ihr auf seiner Homepage nachlesen: www.rainerklement.com. Auch auf der Seite der EMG Gesellschaft ist viel Interessantes nachzulesen: www.evolution-medizin-gesundheit.org. Zu guter Letzt möchte Rainer uns noch das Journal of Evolution and Health empfehlen: www.escholarship.org/uc/jevohealth Ihr findet uns auf Instagram unter:@fleischzeitpodcast@fastencoachdave@carnitarierinAndreas Website:www.carnitarier.deHaftungsausschluss:Alle Inhalte im Podcast werden von uns mit größter Sorgfalt recherchiert und publiziert. Dennoch übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Aktualität der Informationen. Sie stellen unsere persönliche subjektive Meinung dar und ersetzen auch keine medizinische Diagnose oder ärztliche Beratung. Dasselbe gilt für unsere Gäste. Konsultieren Sie bei Fragen oder Beschwerden immer Ihren behandelnden Arzt.

Julia Schütze #talk2me

Acht bekannte österreichische AutorInnen erzählen von unheimlichen Begegnungen und rätselhaften Vorgängen: Wer ist der Mann ohne Gesicht? Welche unheilvollen Kräfte hat der metallene Katzenkopf? Was passiert in jener düsteren Vollmondnacht im November, und wohin verschwinden die furchteinflößenden Dämonen? Gelingt es Phil, die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen? Wird Linda in letzter Minute aus dem Feuer gerettet – und welche Botschaft schickt Steffis Oma aus dem Jenseits? Wie kommt Leo plötzlich in seine eigene Geschichte – oder ist er am Ende gar selbst nur „erfunden"? Robert Klements Geschichte über „Das Geheimnis in Großmutters Zimmer" ist eine Wohlfühlgeschichte mit einer überraschenden Pointe und hat sich noch dazu wirklich so ereignet! Julia Schütze #Whisper2Me www.juliaschuetze.at/whisper2me info@buchklub.at

Wisconsin Drunken History

Klement's Sausage Company, Count This Penny, Untitled Art/Finback Beer Review, Full Mile Brewery & Kitchen

Dvacet minut Radiožurnálu

O vzniku takzvané evropské prokuratury se mluví jako o zlomu nebo zásadním milníku v trestním právu. Nový Úřad evropského veřejného žalobce funguje od 1. června. Bude rozhodovat o podání žaloby ve věci střetu zájmů premiéra Andreje Babiše? Jak rychle dokáže evropský úřad v této a v podobných kauzách vynést verdikt? S kým bude spolupracovat v České republice? Tomáš Pancíř se ptá českého zástupce v úřadu Petra Klementa.

Julia Schütze #talk2me

Starke Storys für starke Nerven! Was passiert mit der »vergessenen« Schülerin im Schloss des unheimlichen Fürsten? Warum hat Lukas vorerst die Nase voll von brutalen Computerspielen? Welche gruselige Überraschung denkt sich Tobias für seine Halloween-Party aus? Ob ein unheimliches Friedhofsabenteuer, angriffslustige Haie oder eine verpatzte Chance – Spannung und Gänsehaut sind vorprogrammiert! Starker Anspruch – leicht zu lesen. Unter dem Motto Krimis für Nervenstarke und Leseschwache hat Lesedidaktiker Gerhard Bauer mit den bekannten Autoren Robert Klement und Franz Sales Sklenitzka eine abwechslungsreiche Sammlung von spannenden und unheimlichen Geschichten zusammengestellt, die auch Lesemuffel in ihren Bann ziehen werden. Rund um die Krimi- und Gruselabenteuer gibt es zahlreiche erhellende Zusatzinformationen sowie Rätsel und kreative Impulse, die zu einer lustvollen Auseinandersetzung mit den Texten anregen. Julia Schütze #Whisper2Me www.juliaschuetze.at/whisper2me info@buchklub.at

American Education FM

Jon Klement is the creator of Mr. K Science Academy: http://www.mrkscienceacademy.com He discusses his education history, current observations on the times, and his role in educating youth in a homeschooling assistant program for further instruction and advanced credit acquisition.

GovExec Daily

Public service is both a career and calling for many. While the 15 months have really tested federal employees' resolve, the two million civilian feds have responded with aplomb to the challenges of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Active and retired federal employees have likely looked at the response with some level of pride in civil servants' professionalism.   Jessica Klement is the Staff Vice President, police and program at the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. Prior to joining NARFE, Klement served as the Government and Public Affairs Director at the Federal Managers Association, She joined the show to talk about her organization and Public Service Recognition Week.

MALL.TV Podcast

Životy slavných | 25. února 1948 přijal prezident Edvard Beneš demisi části nekomunistických ministrů a doplnil vládu podle návrhu Klementa Gottwalda.

hr2 Doppelkopf

Ein "MoMA der Naturkunde" schwebt ihm vor, dem österreichischen Ökologen Prof. Dr. Klement Tockner. Und das sieht er nicht an Donau, Drau oder Inn, sondern am Main. Seit dem 1. Januar 2021 nämlich ist Klement Tockner der neue Generaldirektor der Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung - bestens bekannt durch ihr Stammhaus mit Dinosauriern, Walen und Wasserschwein-verschlingender Anakonda in Frankfurt.

O původu příjmení

Příjmení Klech/Klechová dnes nosí 177 obyvatel. Patrně vzniklo jako odvozenina z rodného jména Klement. To je latinského původu (z lat. clemens) a znamená „vlídný, milostivý, laskavý, mírný".

Tigers & Flamingos® Coaching Club

In der ersten Episode der neuen Reihe "Horizonterweiterung" ist Leadership & Change Expert Andreas Klement zu Gast. Seine "Strategien der Champions" leitet er aus dem Sport ab und überträgt die Erfolgsgeheimnisse auf Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen. Denn in beiden Bereichen sind Ansporn und Output wichtig - genau wie beim Coaching. Wir schlagen heute eine weitere Brücke zum Coaching bzw. was ein Coach aus dieser spannenden Vorgehensweise lernen kann. Im gleichen Schritt räumen wir auch mit bekannten Vorurteilen auf, z. B. ob für die Entwicklung bei Kindern Teamsport oder Einzelsportarten wichtiger sind. Wie gehen Sportler mit Performanceschwankungen um oder gibt's das gar nicht? Wie wichtig ist Talent für Erfolg im Sport: Ist es die Eintrittskarte zu mehr oder sind andere Eigenschaften wichtiger? Seid so großartig überrascht wie ich, wenn er profund ableitet, weshalb für Ihn die Hochleistungs-Frauen, die Minijob, Familie und Kinder jeden Tag unter einen Hut bringen, so bewundernswert sind und was er Managern nahelegen würde. Viel Spaß! Mehr Informationen zu Andreas Klement findest Du hier: https://andreasklement.de/ Herzlich willkommen im Tigers & Flamingos® Coaching Club!

The Do One Better! Podcast – Philanthropy, Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship

  If you ever wondered how a Silicon Valley mindset rooted in social entrepreneurship can improve global education, then this episode is for you.  A fascinating look at an organisation that is quite different from traditional philanthropy. Imaginable Futures is a philanthropic investment firm that combines impact investing and foundation grant-making in order to unleash human potential through learning. Imaginable Futures spun out of the Omidyar Network a little over a year ago, where they were previously the Education initiative of Omidyar.  They were founded and are funded by Pam and Pierre Omidyar — who is also the Founder of eBay. Amy worked for eBay, where she served as VP of product strategy and operations, and was previously one of PayPal's earliest employees in the late 1990s. Today, she leads Imaginable Futures.  She provides great insight and projects very positive energy.  Visit The Do One Better! Podcast website at Lidji.org for a full transcript of this episode. Please click the subscribe button on your favourite podcast app and share widely with others. Thank you!

Discover Your Talent–Do What You Love | Build a Career of Success, Satisfaction and Freedom

Cindy Klement's mother advised her, "'Honey, you haven't got the brains to be a doctor. You need to stay home, get married and have children.' It wasn't until I was 53 that I attended college and ultimately got my masters in nutrition." Cindy has shared her nutrition and herbal medicine expertise with thousands of people for over 40 years. She is a board-certified nutritionist and a certified Master Health Educator, an Adjunct Professor, a long-time health program writer, a speaker, and yes, a mother.


Gesprek met Joost Baneke aan de hand van het bij uitgeverij Klement in Zoetermeer verschenen boek "Passie en contemplatie" waarin een bijdrage van Joost Baneke is opgenomen. Meer info: http://www.uitgeverijklement.nl/ en verkrijgbaar bij https://ramsj.nl/winkel/passie-en-contemplatie/


Andreas Klement begleitet und unterstützt Unternehmen in Veränderungsprozessen. Die Basis seiner Arbeit und der Methodik liegt in den Erfolgsmechanismen des Sports. So begleitet er auch und speziell Sportler, wenn es um die Karriere nach der Sportkarriere geht. Dabei ist gerade diese spezielle Arbeit mit den Sportlern gar nicht so einfach. Denn immerhin redet man mit ihnen dann über etwas, wovon sie gar keine Lust haben, zu sprechen - nämlich dem Karriere-Ende und eben dem, was danach kommt. Dabei gilt es für Andreas Klement in allen Bereichen, das richtige Gerüst zu bauen und so die richtige Strategie aufzubauen. Mehr zu diesem spannenden Thema gibt's in dieser Folge des Expertenpodcast. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement Podcast

Trage Dich jetzt für unser kostenfreies 30-minütiges BGM-Strategiegespräch ein: https://www.bgmpodcast.de/strategiegespraech/ Leadership meets Sports | Experteninterview mit Andreas Klement: Es klingt nach Sport in Anzug und Krawatte, aber weit gefehlt. Eigentlich heißt es nur, dass die Wirtschaft in hohem Maße vom Profisport profitieren kann. Das sagt jedenfalls Andreas Klement, unser heutiger Interviewgast. Andreas ist Trainer, Unternehmensberater, Autor und 3facher Familienvater. Er hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Erfolgsfaktoren aus dem Sport zu analysieren und diese auf die restliche Arbeitswelt zu übertragen, um Führungskräfte zu coachen, die Leistungen der Angestellten zu verbessern. Hier die Kontaktdaten von Andreas Klement: Web: https://andreasklement.de/ Mail: a.klement@andreasklement.de XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/Andreas_Klement/ LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/in/andreas-klement-aa65a611 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/klementpersonal/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andreasklement_official/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzBmGD4hmIt_p5X35Xk0L4w Weitere spannende Infos zum Thema "Leadership meets Sports" findest du unter: https://www.bgmpodcast.de/leadership-meets-sports/ PS.: Du benötigst Hilfe bei der Umsetzung deines BGMs?! Dann bewirb Dich jetzt für unser kostenfreies 30-minütiges Strategiegespräch: https://www.bgmpodcast.de/strategiegespraech/ Was ist der Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) Podcast? Der Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement Podcast – Der Podcast über betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) für Kleine und Mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU). Inspiriert von Christian Bischoff, Laura Malina Seiler, Tobias Beck, Dirk Kreuter, Bernd Geropp, Alex Fischer, Stefan Obersteller, Tom Kaules, Matthew Mockridge, Frank Thelen und Hendrik Klöters habe ich nun auch meinen eigenen Podcast veröffentlicht. Hierbei geht es um die Themen Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM), Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (BGF), gesunde Mitarbeiter und gesunde Führung, Fehlzeitenreduzierung und Senkung des Krankenstandes. Bei Fragen zum Thema Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement kannst du mir gerne eine E-Mail an die info@outness.de schicken! Sport frei! Dein Hannes Besuche unsere Website: https://www.bgmpodcast.de/ https://www.outness.de/ Verpasse keine Neuigkeiten mehr und Abonniere unseren Newsletter: https://www.bgmpodcast.de/newsletter/ Unsere Facebookseite: https://www.facebook.com/outness.de/ Wir auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/outness_/ Unser YouTube-Channel: https://www.bgmpodcast.de/youtube/ Sichere dir jetzt jede Menge Willkommensgeschenken: https://www.bgmpodcast.de/bonus-geschenke PS.: Du benötigst Hilfe bei der Umsetzung deines BGMs?! Dann bewirb Dich jetzt für unser kostenfreies 30-minütiges Strategiegespräch! (https://www.bgmpodcast.de/strategiegespraech/)


Jsou města, která jsou natolik svázaná s určitou tradicí nebo místní firmou, že si jeden název bez druhého nedokážeme představit. Například auto Škoda a Mladá Boleslav ve Středočeském kraji. Historie těchto vozů je tak významná, že v původních výrobních halách z počátku 20. století vzniklo Škoda Muzeum. Najdete v něm celou základní vývojovou řadu značky Laurin & Klement a Škoda až po nejnovější modely.

LSE Act.Count.Think

Act.Count.Think host Ramesh talks to Joachim Klement, currently an investment strategist at Liberum and has previously served at Credit Suisse and UBS. In the first episode of this two-part series on 'ESG Roadblocks in 2021', Joachim talks about key challenges such as greenwashing and reporting among others. He shares his insights on how these issues vary across firm sizes and investors and how some of these roadblocks will be eliminated through harmonization.

Magazín Leonardo

V roce 1948 se v Československu chopili moci komunisté. V jejich čele stál Klement Gottwald, první poúnorový předseda vlády.  Komunisty podporovala tenkrát nezanedbatelná část obyvatelstva, a to i díky Gottwaldovým řečnickým schopnostem. Doklady o tom v podobě mnoha hodin záznamů jeho projevů uchovává Archiv Českého rozhlasu.

The Ham Palace

Hambo discusses everything from exercise to Hamlet and Sean Connery with super sales agent and comedic actor/storyteller Paul Klement. They also discuss the state of the movie industry and the future of independent film.

Unboxing - think outside. talk inside.

Noch so eine BTS-Folge mit vielen Geheimnissen. Dieses Mal mit Michael Klement, der den Bereich Socentic Sports leitet. Er erzählt, welchen Stellenwert Social Media für Profi-Fußballer hat und auf was es in der Zusammenarbeit besonders ankommt. Ein Bereich, der Sensibilität benötigt und von etwas anderen Erfolgsfaktoren abhängt, wie das klassische Social Media Marketing von Unternehmen. Mehr dazu findet Ihr unter: https://www.socentic-sports.de Spot on: € 300,- Rabatt bekommt ihr bei unserem Partner QuietOffice auf Meeting- und Callboxen - wie unsere Podcast-Box - bei Nennung von "Unboxing" by Socentic Media → www.quietoffice.de Produced by www.socentic.de


Training bringt nichts, Coaching ist reine Zeitverschwendung! - Interview mit Andreas Klement Ziemlich provokativ von meinem heutigen Interviewgast Andreas Klement, zumal er selbst seit Jahren erfolgreich in dieser Branche tätig ist.  Was es mit seinen Aussagen auf sich hat erfährst Du in der heutigen Podcastfolge.  Andreas ist Leadership und Top-Speaker. Er selbst hat Jahre lange Handball gespielt und lässt die Lehren die er aus dem Profisport zieht in seine tägliche Arbeit einfließen.  Wir sprechen über Unternehmenswerte und warum gerade sich viele Unternehmen ein Beispiel am FC Bayern München nehmen können und sollten, wirst Du auch in dem heutigen Interview erfahren. Es geht um Erfolg, Freude, Leadship und Motivation.  Freue Dich auf die heutige Folge.  Wenn Du mehr über Andreas erfahren möchtest, dann schau am besten hier vorbei: www.andreasklement.de Oder auf seinem Instagram Kanal: https://instagram.com/andreasklement_official Buche Dir dein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch mit mir:  bit.ly/BSOlaf Folge mir auch auf Instagram: https://instagram.com/olaf_schild


Welcome to episode 206 of the Sexology Podcast! Today I'm delighted to welcome Dr. Kathryn Klement to the podcast. In this episode Dr. Klement speaks with me about sexual narcissism, its effects on relationships, early signs and red flags and exploring sexual boundaries with your partner.     Dr. Kathryn Klement (they/them) is an Assistant Professor of Psychology of Women & Gender at Bemidji State University.  Their primary teaching interests are human sexuality, gender, and research methods.  Their major research interests include sexual violence, how transphobia relates to other systems of oppression, and transgender patients' experiences in healthcare.  They have also published work related to consensual BDSM (bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism), sexual consent, and sexual entitlement.      In this episode, you will hear:     What is sexual narcissism?  Identifying sexual narcissism in relationships  The effect patriarchy has on this issue  Looking at the research Dr. Klement conducted   Early signs and red flags for sexual narcissism  Exploring your boundaries for sex and sexuality   Understanding your partners boundaries and creating a sexual pact   Understanding that can't use sex to change a person into how you want them to be    Find Dr. Kathryn Klement online  https://twitter.com/krklement     Find Dr. Moali online:    http://www.sexologypodcast.com    Find me on social media:    https://www.instagram.com/sexologypodcast  https://www.facebook.com/oasis2care      Ebook: How to Increase Your Libido – For Women  https://oasis2care.com/how-to-increase-your-libido/     If you are interested in booking a video counselling session with Dr. Moali:  https://oasis2care.com/contact-nazanin-moali-psychologist      Podcast Produced by Pete Bailey - http://petebailey.net/audio

Braňo Závodský Naživo

V parlamente začalo verejné vypočúvanie pred voľbou generálneho prokurátora. To potrvá dva dni a potom budú na rade poslanci. Kto z kandidátov Čentéš, Hrivnák, Honz, Šanta, Žilinka, Remeta, či Klement vystrieda Jaromíra Čižniara? Kto sú vlastne kandidáti a čo musia urobiť, aby to neskončilo tak, ako za Trnku či Tichého? Mal by sa nový šéf prokurátorov vrátiť aj k nevyšetreným kauzám, ako bola tá o hlase podobnom Ficovi? Braňo Závodský sa rozprával s advokátkou Kristínou Babiakovou a investigatívnou reportérkou Zuzanou Petkovou. Celý článok: https://www.expres.sk/234285/noveho-sefa-generalnej-prokuratury-caka-jej-ocista-a-nelahke-manazerske-rozhodnutia/

Getting Smart Podcast

Today, Tom is speaking with Amy Klement, Managing Partner of Imaginable Futures, a global philanthropic investment firm that believes learning has the power to unlock human potential and aspires to provide every learner with the opportunity and the tools they need to imagine, and to realize, a brighter future. Amy formerly worked for eBay where she served as vice president of relationship marketing and as vice president of product strategy and operations. Joining as one of its earliest employees, Amy also worked for PayPal as vice president of product. She then went on to help lead Omidyar Network's work in Education, Financial Inclusion, Property Rights, and Consumer Internet & Mobile initiatives in key geographies. Join in on the conversation to hear all about the incredible work Imaginable Futures is doing, the grantees and investments they're making, and Amy's overall philosophy on educational philanthropy. Amy also speaks about the recent report she collaborated on with IDEO titled, "Learning Reimagined: Radical Thinking for Equitable Futures," and touches on the themes of equity, impact investing, and the importance of values. Key Takeaways: [:10] About today's episode with Amy Klement. [:40] Tom welcomes Amy Klement to the podcast. [1:06] Amy speaks a bit about her time as an early employee at PayPal. [1:24] Amy shares some highlights and key takeaways from her seven years with PayPal and interacting with some of Silicon Valley's biggest personalities. [5:47] About Amy's shift from PayPal to eBay and her experience in the VP role. [6:36] About Pierre Omidyar and why Amy decided to help him launch the Omidyar Network. [8:44] Amy and Tom highlight a few of Imaginable Futures' grantees, starting with Wonderschool. [10:30] What Amy appreciates and loves about Bridge International. [12:56] What Amy appreciates about the innovative African network, SPARK Schools. [14:20] About the incredible global network, Teach For All, and what Amy loves about it. [16:40] About Imaginable Futures; their structure, the work that they do, and more. [18:43] Is Imaginable Futures an impact organization, first and foremost? [18:54] Amy elaborates on how Imaginable Future's flexibility allows them to structure investments in a way that promotes both scaled impact and sustainability in the most efficient way possible. [20:28] Imaginable Futures has a wonderful but challengingly broad agenda; investing from early learning through post-secondary in America, Africa, and Latin America. What does Amy think about collecting the best ideas and narrowing those down to investment choices? [22:55] Imaginable Futures' beautiful set of values: where they came from, how they uphold them, and what they are. [24:15] Are Imaginable Futures' investment 50/50 between return-seeking and philanthropic? And is it by design or did it just work out that way? [24:55] The importance of taking on risk when it comes to philanthropy. [30:10] About Amy's new report, "Learning Reimagined: Radical Thinking for Equitable Futures". [31:52] Two key provocations from Amy's report: 1. What if student agency became the most important measure of learning? And, 2. What if young people connected in new ways, developed voices, organized for change across politics, climate, systemic inequities, and even their own learning? [34:25] Amy and Tom discuss other provocations in the "Learning Reimagined" report: "What if learning progressions were based on competencies?" And: "What if home-schooling became the new school if we learned more about different school formats?" Amy also shares her thoughts on whether she thinks we'll see home-schooling innovations take off as a result of the pandemic. [35:25] The importance of addressing inequities quickly (and now more than ever). [36:29] Amy's closing thoughts on what's next for Imaginable Futures. [37:58] Tom thanks Amy for joining the podcast!   Mentioned in This Episode: Amy Klement Imaginable Futures Pierre Omidyar Omidyar Network Wonderschool Bridge International SPARK Schools "SPARK Schools: Scaling Affordable Excellence in South Africa," by Tom Vander Ark | Getting Smart "Low-Cost Schools Are Transforming Africa," by Tom Vander Ark | Getting Smart Teach For All "Teaching Without Internet" on WhatsApp "Learning Reimagined: Radical Thinking for Equitable Futures" IDEO African Leadership Academy Teach for India Kids Education Revolution Difference Making at the Heart of Learning: Students, Schools, and Communities Alive With Possibility, by Tom Vander Ark and Emily Liebtag Getting Smart Podcast Ep. 282: "Shauntel Garvey on EdTech Impact Investing"   Get Involved: Check out the blog at GettingSmart.com. Find the Getting Smart Podcast on iTunes, leave a review, and subscribe.   Is There Somebody You've Been Wanting to Learn From or a Topic You'd Like Covered? To get in contact: Email Editor@GettingSmart.com and include "Podcast" in the subject line. The Getting Smart team will be sure to add them to their list!


Do druhého kola senátních voleb v obvodu Žďár nad Sázavou postoupili Josef Klement (za KDU-ČSL) a Michal Šmarda (ČSSD). Poslechněte si jejich předvolební duel. Moderuje Milan Kopecký.

Dvacet minut Radiožurnálu

Do druhého kola senátních voleb v obvodu Žďár nad Sázavou postoupili Josef Klement (za KDU-ČSL) a Michal Šmarda (ČSSD). Poslechněte si jejich předvolební duel. Moderuje Milan Kopecký.

Sportmanufaktur Podcast

Andreas Klement analysiert seit vielen Jahren die Erfolgsmechanismen aus dem Sport, die zu herausragenden Leistungen und Erfolg führen. »Der vierfache Buchautor gehört zu Germany's Best Leadership Trainers«. Über 2.900 Vorträge und Beratungstage vor über 7.300 Menschen in 4 Ländern. Er ist Athletencoach mehrerer Welt- und Europameister und Olympiateilnehmer. »Mit ihm profitiert man an Sport und Stelle, sagt die Funke Medien Gruppe. Dafür ist Andreas Klement bekannt und zählt deshalb auch zu dem Kreis der Speaker für das Handelsblatt. https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreas-klement-aa65a611/ https://www.xing.com/profile/Andreas_Klement/cv https://www.facebook.com/klementpersonal https://www.instagram.com/andreasklement_official/ https://leadership-meets-sports.de/ https://andreasklement.de/

Mixed-Sport – meinsportpodcast.de

Andreas Klement analysiert seit vielen Jahren die Erfolgsmechanismen aus dem Sport, die zu herausragenden Leistungen und Erfolg führen. »Der vierfache Buchautor gehört zu Germanys Best Leadership Trainers«. Über 2.900 Vorträge und Beratungstage vor über 7.300 Menschen in 4 Ländern. Er ist Athletencoach mehrerer Welt- und Europameister und Olympiateilnehmer. »Mit ihm profitiert man an Sport und Stelle, sagt die Funke Medien Gruppe. Dafür ist Andreas Klement bekannt und zählt deshalb auch zu dem Kreis der Speaker für das Handelsblatt. https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreas-klement-aa65a611/ https://www.xing.com/profile/Andreas_Klement/cv https://www.facebook.com/klementpersonal https://www.instagram.com/andreasklement_official/ https://leadership-meets-sports.de/ https://andreasklement.de/...

Mixed-Sport – meinsportpodcast.de

Andreas Klement analysiert seit vielen Jahren die Erfolgsmechanismen aus dem Sport, die zu herausragenden Leistungen und Erfolg führen. »Der vierfache Buchautor gehört zu Germanys Best Leadership Trainers«. Über 2.900 Vorträge und Beratungstage vor über 7.300 Menschen in 4 Ländern. Er ist Athletencoach mehrerer Welt- und Europameister und Olympiateilnehmer. »Mit ihm profitiert man an Sport und Stelle, sagt die Funke Medien Gruppe. Dafür ist Andreas Klement bekannt und zählt deshalb auch zu dem Kreis der Speaker für das Handelsblatt. https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreas-klement-aa65a611/ https://www.xing.com/profile/Andreas_Klement/cv https://www.facebook.com/klementpersonal https://www.instagram.com/andreasklement_official/ https://leadership-meets-sports.de/ https://andreasklement.de/...

Mission Verantwortung - Erfolg braucht Verantwortung

Nicole Klement ist Masterstudentin im Fach Wirtschaftspsychologie und hat schon berufliche Erfahrung bei großen Unternehmen wie CHANEL und TESA gesammelt. Sie ist ambitionierte Springreiterin und betreibt den zeitaufwändigen Spitzensport mit Begeisterung. Zudem ist sie bei EN GARDE Marketing tätig, einem der größten Veranstalter von internationalen Spitzenturnieren im Reitsport, der sich nun seit mehr als 25 Jahren der Planung und Realisierung dieser Weltklasse-Events widmet. Sie betreibt im Namen des Unternehmens einen in Fachkreisen sehr bekannten und beliebten Podcast, der den Hörern tiefe Einblicke in die Welt dieses Sports und seinen hochkarätigen Persönlichkeiten bietet. Wie die 27-jährige Nicole all diese Aufgaben unter einen Hut bekommt, was sie vorhat und wie sie über Erfolg und Verantwortung denkt, erfahren Sie direkt von der OWL Challenge in Paderborn, bei der sie reitend und arbeitend unterwegs war und mir trotzdem noch gutgelaunt für ein Interview zur Verfügung stand. Lassen Sie sich anstecken von ihrer freudigen Art und bekommen Sie exklusive Einblicke in die Welt des Reitsports in dieser besonderen Coronazeit!   Timestamps: 00:00-00:12 Intro 00:13-05:40 Wer ist Nicole Klement? 05:41-08:30 Verantwortung und Erfolg 08:31-13:40 Wirtschaftspsychologie 13:41-16:00 Tiefpunkte und Höhenflüge 16:01-18:00 Wünsche 18:01-21:00 Verantwortung für Nicole 21:00-29:10 Auswirkungen der Krise auf die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 29:11-35:00 Persönliches über Nicole     Mission Verantwortung, Werte, Liebe, Verbindung, Beitrag, Geben, beitragen, Gesundheit, Vitalität, Energie, Sicherheit, Reichtum, Freiheit, Danke, Dankbarkeit, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Wachstum, Entwicklung, Lernen, Freude, Spaß, Spiel, Leben, Begeisterung, Hingabe, Leidenschaft, Wert, Nutzen, verbessern, Motivation, Impuls, Inspiration, positive Einstellung, positive Haltung, Ziele, mehr Umsatz, agiles Arbeiten, Prozessoptimierung, Führung, Verkauf, Vertrieb, Mindset, Mindset verbessern, Geist, Gedanken, Unternehmer, Verantwortung, Eigenverantwortung, Selbstverantwortung, Fremdverantwortung, Außenverantwortung, High Performer, High Performance, Leistung, Hochleistung, Rückschläge, Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstvertrauen, Schule, Schulsystem, Bildung, Bildungssystem, Erfolg, Transformation, Veränderung, Wandel, Change, Leadership, Führung, Strategie, Glück, glücklich, erfolgreich, Stärke, umsetzen, machen, Leben, Zustand, Verfassung, State, Statemanagement, Statecoaching, Coach, Mentor, Mentoring, Misserfolg, Scheitern, Geld, Finanzen, Beziehung, Beziehungen, Status, Spiritualität, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Speaking, Coach, Speaker, Redner, Autor, Unternehmer


In der heutigen Folge des Experten-Podcasts spricht Andreas Klement, leidenschaftlicher Experte für Leadership & Business-Change, über die Erfolgsfaktoren aus dem Spitzensport und der Verzahnung in die Wirtschaft. Du erfährst außerdem, was Spitzensportler auszeichnet und Sie erfolgreich macht.Außerdem verrät Andreas Klement seine besten Strategien, um Entscheidungen schneller zu treffen.Wenn auch Du wissen willst, wie Du die Erfolgsfaktoren aus dem Spitzensport für Dich nuzten kannst, dann solltest Du diese Folge des Experten-Podcasts nicht verpassen. Hat Dir der Experte des Tages gefallen, hast Du etwas für Dich mitnehmen können? Weitere Informationen bekommst Du unter https://andreasklement.de oder https://leadership-meets-sports.de . See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

Gorge Real Estate Talk

On this episode of the Gorge Real Estate Talk podcast, we talk with Laura Klement of Enerstructa, a sustainable home designer and builder in the gorge. We discuss the many facets of low energy living, and the improvements you can make, or the services you can purchase, to improve your home's energy score to save money or to better market your home, and much, much more!

Us by the Giant

79, Annette Klement, Ginogamikwe Beads

Agile Atelier

This episode of Agile Atelier continues with the Product theme, that the last couple of episodes has featured. Today, I have the pleasure of speaking with Alan Klement, co-developer of the Jobs to be Done theory and author of When Coffee and Kale Compete. His own experience as a successful innovator and entrepreneur are what…… Continue reading Episode 28: Jobs To Be Done Theory with Alan Klement

Tales From the Green Room

We invite the very talented Kayli Klement to our show and learn about her darkest fears and brightest dreams.

Your Personal CFO | Entrepreneurship | Solopreneur | Part-time CFO | Accounting | Inspiration | Motivation |

David joins the show and talks about: -Covering September 11th and other national stories. -What it takes to properly cover a story with deadlines and pressure. -His new book:  "Conscience of the Community: Memoir of a Small-Town Editor – 1977-2007" -And much more..

Opto Sessions: Stock market | Investing | Trading | Stocks & Shares | Finance | Business | Entrepreneurship | ETF

Jo Klement a mathematician and physicist turned investment strategist currently working at Liberium Capital in London where he's focused on the equity strategy and building the ESG investment offering. In the interview we uncover some insights from his recently released book - 7 mistakes every investor makes along with why spotify should start a hedge fund and his client from hell. All this and a lot lot more.Joachim has had a very interesting career spanning over 20 years including being a CIO and after that an MD at credit suisse. He's spent most of his career working with wealthy individuals and family offices advising them on investments and helping them manage their portfolios.This is already one of my favourite episodes and some of the most fascinating parts are actually touched on right at the end so make sure you listen to the whole thing.You can find more brilliant insights from Joachim at www.jklement.comEnjoy!Want more from Opto? Check out our daily newsletter: https://www.cmcmarkets.com/en-gb/opto/newsletter

Stories from the Stacks – A Soundtrack to an Investment Advisor's Life with Olde Raleigh Financial

Hey Everybody, this is Trevor Chambers from Olde Raleigh Financial. I want to welcome you to another one of our series of blog and podcasts called "Meet the Masters," and I'm very excited today. I've got a really interesting gentleman with us. Joachim Klement is somebody I started following. He's got a great newsletter out, and we'll include all the contact information on Joachim when we get done. His observations on markets, finance culture and politics are rooted in what I would called a unique vantage point. Joachim is German born and raised but lives in London with his American wife. I want to hear that story. He's an investment strategist with a long career in asset allocation economics, equities, and alternative investment. And he looks at the lens. He looks at life and everything, but particularly in markets, through the lens… He's a trained physicist, but he loves the human side of financial markets. Olde Raleigh Financial welcomes Joachim Klement. How you doing, buddy? Joachim Klement: I'm very good. How are you guys? Trevor Chambers: Good, I'm great. I'm sorry for the long-winded introduction, but you got a lot going on there. How's things in London? Are we foggy, overcast or what's going on over there? Joachim Klement: No, for once, we've had two terrible weeks of rain and gray, which is obviously, a typical British summer, but now we actually have sunshine which is quite a nice change. Trevor Chambers: That's fabulous. Well, I'm glad to hear that, and I do want to hear about how you got this Yankee wife. We'll get to that in a minute. I want to jump right into it, all right? What's the stupidest argument in the world of economics, in your opinion, currently? Read Full Interview Transcript at: https://olderaleighfinancial.com/meet-the-masters-joachim-klement-discusses-practical-analysis-for-investing-along-with-the-human-side-of-financial-markets/ Olde Raleigh Financial Group 3110 Edwards Mill Road, Suite 340 Raleigh, NC 27612 Phone: 919.861.8212 This material is provided as a courtesy and for educational purposes only from Olde Raleigh Financial Group, A member of Advisory Services Network and should not be construed as investment advice. All information contained in this video is derived from sources deemed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed. All economic and performance data is historical and not indicative of future results. All views/opinions expressed in this video are solely those of the presenter and do not reflect the views/opinions held by Advisory Services Network, LLC. Please consult your investment professional, legal or tax advisor for specific information pertaining to your situation.

Lagrange Point

Scientists have discovered the closet black hole to Earth, but relax it's 1000 Light years away. Ever felt like a third wheel, just be thankful it's not a black hole. A binary star system that can be seen with the naked eye with a lurking black hole. Super massive  black holes are hard to get your head around but can unleash tremendous energy. When two super massive black holes dance around each other, the fireworks are spectacular. Predicting when two black holes will graze past each other helps us refine our understanding of the universe. Th. Rivinius, D. Baade, P. Hadrava, M. Heida and R. Klement. A naked-eye triple system with a nonaccreting black hole in the inner binary. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202038020 Seppo Laine, Lankeswar Dey, Mauri Valtonen, A. Gopakumar, Stanislaw Zola, S. Komossa, Mark Kidger, Pauli Pihajoki, José L. Gómez, Daniel Caton, Stefano Ciprini, Marek Drozdz, Kosmas Gazeas, Vira Godunova, Shirin Haque, Felix Hildebrandt, Rene Hudec, Helen Jermak, Albert K. H. Kong, Harry Lehto, Alexios Liakos, Katsura Matsumoto, Markus Mugrauer, Tapio Pursimo, Daniel E. Reichart, Andrii Simon, Michal Siwak, Eda Sonbas. Spitzer Observations of the Predicted Eddington Flare from Blazar OJ 287. The Astrophysical Journal, 2020; 894 (1): L1 DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab79a4

Fang nie an aufzuhören! Der Boris Thomas Podcast!

https://andreasklement.de/Ein spannendes Gespräch mit Andreas Klement über den Sinn von Coaching, was wir von Sportlern lernen können und ob nur Krisen uns weiterbringen.Viele spannende Gedanken - und am Ende zwei tolle Buchtipps!

Archiv Plus

Kvůli komunisty vyvolanému konfliktu na Korejském poloostrově se svět v létě 1950 ocitl na pokraji jaderné války.

WegeBedarf - Der BestBuddyPodcast für Deine persönliche unternehmerische Freiheit

Leadership meets sports. Was Unternehmer vom Sport lernen müssen. .Nicht sollten sondern müssen. Warum Sportler die besseren Menschen sind und viele Anregungen aus dem Sprot für die unternehmerische und persönliche Freiheit. Andreas Klement, Speaker, Coach und BuchAutor im Gespräch mit Ulrich Zimmermann. Dein Best Buddy auf deinem Weg zur persönlichen, unternehmerischen Freiheit.

Discover Your Talent–Do What You Love | Build a Career of Success, Satisfaction and Freedom

Cindy Klement's mother advised her, "Honey, you haven't got the brains to be a doctor. You need to stay home, get married and have children." It wasn't until she was 53 that she attended college and ultimately got her masters in nutrition." Cindy has shared her nutrition and herbal medicine expertise with thousands of people for over 40 years. She is a board-certified nutritionist and a certified Master Health Educator, an Adjunct Professor, a long-time health program writer, a speaker, and yes, a mother.

The Soccer Thread Podcast

There was a bit of soccer in Germany, there was an email about food and drink. Mostly I'm just surprised we didn't get into debates about Klement's vs. Usinger's but maybe we can get back around to that next week.

Der Sprung ins kalte Wasser- Life Balance für neue Führungskräfte

Neu als Führungskraft I LEADERSHIP MEETS SPORTS - Was Führungskräfte vom Sport lernen können I #07 Interview mit Andreas Klement Zwischen der Serie: Interviews mit Powerfrauen steht ein Interview, was Andy und ich schon lange offline geplant haben. Und dann kam Corona dazwischen und wir haben uns doch für das virtuelle Sofa entschieden. Ich bin sehr froh, dass es es jetzt geklappt hat. Andreas Klement ist Autor, Trainer, Berater und Experte für Leadership & Businesschange. Als Trainer des Jahres 2012, 2013 und 2014 sowie dem Award für nachhaltige Personalentwicklung hat er sich einen Namen gemacht. Wir sprechen darüber, was Führungskräfte von Sport lernen können. Antworten bekommt Ihr auf Fragen wie: Was kann ein Boxer einer Führungskraft beibringen? Was heißt Vorbild sein im Sport und in der Wirtschaft? Wie werden Ziele definiert und warum sind Werte die Grundlage für eine gelebte Unternehmenskultur, die funktioniert... Wir binden die Fäden zusammen. Eine Folge mit großem Mehrwert - für Sport, Wirtschaft und besonders die Schnittmenge aus Leadership & Sports. Vielen Dank Andy für Deine Zeit und das tolle Interview! https://andreasklement.de/kontakt/ https://leadership-meets-sports.de/ Email: a.klement@andreasklement.de Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leadershipmeetssports_klement/   Neu als Führungskraft - Katja Schäfer bringt Themen und Tipps rund um das Thema Führung und unterstützt insbesondere frischgebackene Führungskräfte als Coach & Trainerin auf dem Weg zu Erfolg, Authentizität und einem positivem Mindset. In den Interviews spricht Katja Schäfer mit erfolgreichen Menschen, die hinter die Kulissen schauen und uns aus ihrer Perspektive erklären können, was gute Führung ausmacht. Klickt Euch gerne ein Abo, kommentiert oder schreibt mir Eure Ideen und Fragen! Inzwischen biete ich auch Unternehmen an, einen internen Firmenpodcast als innovatives Kommunikationstool lebbar zu machen. Schreiben Sie mich gerne an! Unter... mail@mindstone-coaching.de. Mehr zu meiner Arbeit unter: www.mindstone-coaching.de

Der Sprung ins kalte Wasser- Life Balance für neue Führungskräfte

Neu als Führungskraft I LEADERSHIP MEETS SPORTS - Was Führungskräfte vom Sport lernen können I #07 Interview mit Andreas Klement Zwischen der Serie: Interviews mit Powerfrauen steht ein Interview, was Andy und ich schon lange offline geplant haben. Und dann kam Corona dazwischen und wir haben uns doch für das virtuelle Sofa entschieden. Ich bin sehr froh, dass es es jetzt geklappt hat. Andreas Klement ist Autor, Trainer, Berater und Experte für Leadership & Businesschange. Als Trainer des Jahres 2012, 2013 und 2014 sowie dem Award für nachhaltige Personalentwicklung hat er sich einen Namen gemacht. Wir sprechen darüber, was Führungskräfte von Sport lernen können. Antworten bekommt Ihr auf Fragen wie: Was kann ein Boxer einer Führungskraft beibringen? Was heißt Vorbild sein im Sport und in der Wirtschaft? Wie werden Ziele definiert und warum sind Werte die Grundlage für eine gelebte Unternehmenskultur, die funktioniert... Wir binden die Fäden zusammen. Eine Folge mit großem Mehrwert - für Sport, Wirtschaft und besonders die Schnittmenge aus Leadership & Sports. Vielen Dank Andy für Deine Zeit und das tolle Interview! https://andreasklement.de/kontakt/ https://leadership-meets-sports.de/ Email: a.klement@andreasklement.de Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leadershipmeetssports_klement/ Neu als Führungskraft - Katja Schäfer bringt Themen und Tipps rund um das Thema Führung und unterstützt insbesondere frischgebackene Führungskräfte als Coach & Trainerin auf dem Weg zu Erfolg, Authentizität und einem positivem Mindset. In den Interviews spricht Katja Schäfer mit erfolgreichen Menschen, die hinter die Kulissen schauen und uns aus ihrer Perspektive erklären können, was gute Führung ausmacht. Klickt Euch gerne ein Abo, kommentiert oder schreibt mir Eure Ideen und Fragen! Inzwischen biete ich auch Unternehmen an, einen internen Firmenpodcast als innovatives Kommunikationstool lebbar zu machen. Schreiben Sie mich gerne an! Unter... mail@mindstone-coaching.de. Mehr zu meiner Arbeit unter: www.mindstone-coaching.de Folge direkt herunterladen

Dein Leben - Dein Wettkampf

Leadership meets Sports ist das Thema von Andreas Klement Seine Performance zeigt er als - Buchautor - Athletencoach - Speaker & Moderator In seinen Vorträgen ist sein größter Versuch, die betroffenen Personen zu BETEILIGTEN zu machen! In dieser Folge spricht er über Anspruch, Führung, Spaß, Ungeduld und die wichtige Implementierung der Fehlerkultur um das maximale aus sich herauszuholen. Viel Spaß bei dieser Interviewfolge. Dein Potenzial ist grenzenlos. Dein Dominik

The Suite Talk

In this episode of The Suite Talk, Craig will go over various tools and strategies that he uses in his school. You can check out my website www.thesuitetalk.com for more information about my show.    Want to be a guest?  Please do so and show off your edtech expertise! Please click here or visit my website to fill out the guest form.  I will get back to you as soon as I can. Stay up to date on the latest episode on my YouTube channel, newsletter or podcast.  My show is available on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, and Google Podcast. Click on the 'Episodes and Podcast List' page to read the show notes and watch past or current episodes. Click on the 'Schedule' page to see who will be a guest on the show. Alice Keeler and I wrote a new book called Stepping up to Google Classroom.  It has 50 steps to help beginners get started, plus many tips and pedagogy that will help you re-think your classroom workflow and mindset. The book is available for order on Amazon. Thank you for your support!


In dieser Podcastfolge erfährst du, welche Erfolgsprinzipien du von Topathleten aus dem Leistungssport für deinen Alltag übernehmen kannst. Mehr Infos und alle Podcast-Folgen findest du hier: www.nachhaltigreich.de

Lady Business Podcast

In the first episode of season two, we chat to Sarah Tybring the founder of Rival Productions. Sarah discusses the importance of taking downtime after a big production,the importance of communication, how we maneuver the business world as women and the value of "Atonement Dinners" . Sarah has forged a career producing and now managing artists. Find Rival Productions on: Facebook Instagram About Sarah: I fell into the performance world through drag king shows strangely enough! I then started producing burlesque shows, co-founded the Cream City Cabaret (now retired) and the Wisconsin Burlesque Association. I've done a ton of fun and crazy productions including the Creme de la Creme Burlesque Show at Turner Hall and even running a few Stripperfest competitions at On the Boarder! I finally landed a volunteer position with Milwaukee Pridefest running their Wom!nz Spot Stages and also debuted a whole new marketplace the Red Light District. This summer I was thrilled to be asked to book a day of performances with local bands for SummerFest's Klement's Stage, we had a blast! I was also honored to be asked to put my skills to use as a music manager for the phenomenal female hip hop artist Shle Berry. I decided, after being asked to create a show at House of Blues during Chicago's Market Street Days that I need to create a brand name for all of these various ventures and thus Rival Productions was born. I truly love event production, stage managing and generally uplifting and supporting a variety of artistry, its beautiful to be a part of the creativity in all of these genres! I am also blessed to have an amazing day-job as a trauma nurse practitioner that I love very much. I"m also a mom to a 16-year old who is SO much like me it's frightening for all of mankind; two dogs and two cats.  Lady Business Podcast is a Lady Laughs Comedy Productions in association with Doyenne. Season Two of LadyBusinessPod was recorded live at Startup Week Milwaukee and is brought to you by American Family Institute, EUA Architecht, Banse Law Group, and Underbelly.


We sat down with a good buddy of our Justin Klement. Justin is an avid and decorated bow hunter. We talk everything from his build and restoration of his 1970 Ford Bronco, his battle and victory over Lyme Disease, and some of his memorable hunts, including his 127 yard kill shot on his Arizona bull.

PaperInvesting Podcast

Joachim Klement is a trustee of CFA Institute Research Foundation, Head of Investment Research Fidante Partners. Previously he was CIO at Wellershoff & Partners Ltd and a former head of UBS Wealth Management Strategic Research team and head of Equity Strategy for UBS Wealth Management.Having experienced the tech boom and bust of the late '90s to the recent market downturn caused by Covid-19, he shares his 20-years experience and knowledge as a financial advisor and an investment strategist to financial institutions and individual investors. In this session we discuss his latest and much-anticipated book, the seven mistakes every investor makes and how to avoid them, he outlines the blueprint to prevent investors from falling for many of the common traps in the stock market. Joachim KlementBookAmazon : https://amzn.to/3aTdKp8Harriman-House: https://www.harriman-house.com/7mistakesinvestorBloghttps://blogs.cfainstitute.org/investor/author/joachimklement/klementoninvesting.substack.comContactTwitter: https://twitter.com/JoachimKlement?s=20Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joachim-klement-3b357a/*************************************************************Please follow us & share: Paperinvesting.comTwitter: https://twitter.com/Paperinvesting

Goddess Momma Fertility Podcast

In today's episode, we chat with a tribe sister, Melanie Klement. I have watched this beautiful woman go through so much on her journey and I am so grateful to say her fertility journey has a happy ending. But, it was not easy... Melanie is from New York City. She started her fertility journey through IVF March 1st, 2015.  Been through many ups and downs and many losses including a late-term loss.  Melanie now has 2 healthy, gorgeous, brilliant daughters with her newest addition born January 29, 2020. Journey to baby number 2 took Melanie on many unexpected twists and turns and forced her to confront many harsh truths.   "I did a drastically different and more aggressive ivf and immune protocol for baby number 2! I am now committed to speaking my own truth about my fertility journey without shame or guilt." In this episode,  - The outcome of Melanie's 3 IVF Cycles - Terminated Pregnancy - Tasha Blasi, FU Project - Tasha on Goddess Momma Fertility Podcast Episode #13 - ERA - Endometrial Receptivity Analysis - Receptiva Test - Reproductive Immunology - When you should change fertility clinics - Hysteroscopy - Reproduction Psychologist and Prozac If you have any questions about Melanie's journey, she would love to connect with you. Her email address is melanie.e.klement@gmail.com ----- For a deeper connection to your body during your fertility journey, I am offering one-on-one online yoga sessions. These classes are more than just yoga. They are filled with personalized meditations, conscious breathing exercises, and coaching for YOU. If interested, I am offering free consultations. Contact me here to set up a 30 min call.  See you on the mat Goddess Momma... Click here to download my favorite fertility yoga poses!

Informed Choice Radio Personal Finance Podcast

Every investor makes mistakes. Private or professional, amateur or experienced, there is no exception. And many of these are common mistakes. Whether or not they want to admit it, many investors have committed the same errors. How can you avoid these mistakes? How can you distinguish yourself as an investor and improve your performance? My guest today is Joachim Klement, research analyst and former Chief Investment Officer with 20 years' experience in financial markets. His new book is Seven Mistakes Every Investor Makes (And How To Avoid Them). It calls upon years of experience and scientific research to deliver expert insight into the most common mistakes plaguing investors. From there, Klement outlines his personal tools and techniques, developed, refined and successfully implemented over many years in the finance industry, to help avoid and mitigate such mistakes. His ultimate aim: to help you help yourself. In this conversation, we touch on a handful of these mistakes, including home bias, overconfidence, and short-termism. Here's my conversation with Joachim Klement, author of Seven Mistakes Every Investor Makes, in episode 484 of Informed Choice Radio.

Beyond the Obvious

Joachim Klement is an investment strategist based in London. He's worked for a Swiss private bank, as CIO for Wellershoff & Partners in Switzerland advising family office and institutional clients, and was head of investment research for Fidante Partners, a multi boutique asset manager with over AUD$60 billion under management. In this very timely and... The post Beyond the Obvious – Joachim Klement appeared first on DavidHobart.com.

My Worst Investment Ever Podcast

For the first time in this podcast's history, we're having a guest come on the show a second time! For the long-time listener, you may remember today's guest's story of loss in episode 41 Diversification: The Best Insurance Against any Investment Burst. Joachim Klement experienced his worst investment in the early 2000s during the Dotcom bubble after investing in a tech fund. Sharing his story on our podcast inspired him to write the book 7 Mistakes Every Investor Makes (And How to Avoid Them): A Manifesto for Smarter Investing. It's a huge pleasure to have him back on the show. In this episode, he will walk through the 7 mistakes he talks about in his book. Guest profile Joachim Klement is a research analyst and former Chief Investment Officer with 20 years' experience in financial markets. He spent most of his career working with wealthy individuals and family offices, advising them on investments and helping them manage their portfolios. Joachim studied mathematics and physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, and graduated with a master's degree in mathematics. During his time at ETH, Joachim experienced the technology bubble of the late 1990s firsthand. Through this work, he became interested in finance and investments and studied business administration at the Universities of Zurich and Hagen, Germany, graduating with a master's degree in economics and finance and switching into the financial services industry in time for the run-up to the financial crisis. 7 Mistakes Every Investor Makes (And How to Avoid Them): A Manifesto for Smarter Investing Seven Mistakes Every Investor Makes (And How to Avoid Them) calls upon years of experience and scientific research to deliver expert insight into the most common mistakes plaguing investors. From there, Klement outlines his personal tools and techniques, developed, refined, and successfully implemented over many years in the finance industry, to help avoid and mitigate such mistakes. His ultimate aim: to help you help yourself. The mistakes covered include forecasting, short- and long-term orientation, repeating past errors, confirmation bias, not delegating to experts, and blind trust of traditional assumptions. Seven Mistakes Every Investor Makes (And How to Avoid Them) is a must-have guide for every investor. Packed with scientific research and personal wisdom, this book draws together the most common investing mistakes to practically revealing how to overcome and eliminate them. Don't make another avoidable mistake by missing out on this book.   "I think artificial intelligence and other new tools built on big data analysis will help us get better, but they're not gonna make us redundant. And they're not going to end finance." Joachim Klement   Mistake No. 1: Forecasting Forecasting is an exercise in futility. One technique to improve your forecasting is just to assume that the dollar will be in one year where it is today. There is lots of empirical evidence out there that this "forecast" is better than the consensus forecast and better than about 95% of all analysts in this world. The same thing is true of interest rates and stock markets. Joachim presents a few techniques on how to get better when it comes to your investment forecasts, which eventually you have to make because investing is not about the past but the future. Mistake No. 2: Short-termism People are too short-term oriented in their investment decisions. They chase performance. They go in and out of stocks constantly. This results in a lot of transaction costs, even in the world of discount brokerages. The transaction costs accumulate and the performance gets worse. Just the very fact that you go from A to B and back to A and then to C and then to D and then to another stock cost you a lot of money and diminishes your performance. Mistake No. 3: Being too long-term It is a mistake just to let strategies run uncontrolled; you need to have some risk management and control mechanisms in place. There comes the point when you have to take that risk off the table. Not because it's a bad strategy, but because you want to survive. Mistake No. 4: Repeating past errors Recollect the past, analyze, and learn from it. Too many retail and professional investors, even fund managers, CIOs of big institutions, keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Use a very simple technique of an investment diary where you write down your past decisions, why you made them and then check the outcome regularly and then start reflecting. I didn't make that mistake. If it wasn't a mistake. Why was I right? Was I right for the right reasons? Or was I just lucky meaning right for the wrong reasons? Learn from your mistakes. Mistake No. 5: Ignoring the other side When it comes to long-term thematic investing, many people focus on demand but forget about the supply side. Unfortunately, prices are as a result of the balance between supply and demand. Demand rises slowly but supply can adapt and adjust to it very quickly. So by the time demand change comes around, supply has already adjusted and you make no money. Mistake No. 6: Not being active enough None of us is an expert in everything. It's important sometimes to delegate your money and investment decisions to fund managers. You do this with the hope that these specialists will be able to give you good value for money. The mistake a lot of people make is to hand their investments to fund managers who aren't active enough to have a decent chance of outperforming after their fees. Mistake No. 7: Blind trust in traditional assumptions We all think the financial market or any market is heading towards an equilibrium of supply and demand. The only way prices change is when some new piece of information comes along and shifts either demand or supply or both, and then you get a new equilibrium. Similarly, if you look at valuations of stock markets, we think that if market valuations are too high, they are supposed to come down to some long-term average. This couldn't be further from the truth. That equilibrium does not exist because financial markets are constantly changing. Parting words   "Don't despair. We all make mistakes, even the best of us do. Learn from them and improve your investment every day, every year. Over time, you will get better, and things will get better. You will make new mistakes." Joachim Klement   Andrew's books How to Start Building Your Wealth Investing in the Stock Market My Worst Investment Ever 9 Valuation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Transform Your Business with Dr.Deming's 14 Points Andrew's online programs Valuation Master Class Women Building Wealth The Build Your Wealth Membership Group Become a Great Presenter and Increase Your Influence Transform Your Business with Dr. Deming's 14 Points Connect with Joachim Klement Twitter LinkedIn Blog Connect with Andrew Stotz: astotz.com Linkedin Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube My Worst Investment Ever Podcast Further reading mentioned Joachim Klement (2020) 7 Mistakes Every Investor Makes (And How to Avoid Them)

Educational Duct Tape

Craig Klement, Spicing up Standardized Test Prep, Google My Maps Choice Boards, Digital Badges, eduProtocols, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Pre-Filled Form Links and more!

Educational Duct Tape

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 22, 2020 65:03

#EduDuctTape S02-E035 #EduDuctTape -- EduDuctTape.com -- @JakeMillerTech -- JakeMiller.net -- JakeMillerTech@gmail.com Ways to Support the Show or Connect with Jake & other Duct Tapers!  Apple Podcast Reviews FlipGrid.com/EduDuctTape #EduDuctTape on social media Telling your friends & colleagues The Duct Tapers Facebook Group - facebook.com/groups/ducttapers Certificates of Listening, Laughing, and Learning! EduDuctTape.com/certificate Listen to the whole show to hear the "super-secret code"! Resources Relating to the Jared Cooney Horvath Episode: Jared's Book: lmeglobal.net/stop-talking-start-influencing-book References for Jared's book: lmeglobal.net/references "Video Captions Benefit Everyone" by Morton Ann Gernsbacher shared by Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles Ph.D, ATP - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5214590 "Closed Captioning Matters: Examining the Value of Closed Captions for All Students" by Karla Kmetz Morris, Casey Frechette, Lyman Dukes III, Nicole Stowell, Nicole Emert Topping, David Brodosi shared by Kelli Sudig - files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1123786.pdf "Research into Using Video Subtitles and Closed Captions to Improve Reading and Literacy Skills" from ZANE Education shared by Kelli Sudig - zaneeducation.com/video-subtitles-captions/subtitle-and-closed-captions-research.php #EduDuctTape Twitter Chats Access the calendar! - bit.ly/EduDuctTapeCalendar Highlights from the last chat - wke.lt/w/s/mPdM2K Seah Fahey & Karly Moura's "A Beginner's Guide to Twitter for Educators" - Section 2 focuses on Twitter Chats - drive.google.com/file/d/1wrMWGN6QyrICGNis1SwLQOHlbfze3vpt/view Thanks to The Mighty Ducts! Sarah Kiefer, Alex Oris, Amy Huckaby, Angela Green, Brandy New, Dan Stitzel, David Allan, Jennifer Conti, Kimberly Wren, Lisa Marie Bennett, Matt Meyer, Melinda Vandevort, Melissa Van Heck, Molly Klodor, Nanci Greene, Pam Inabinett! The JakeMillerTech Newsletter - Sign up! jakemiller.net/newsletter Jake's Upcoming Events Educational Duct Tape Workshop Series at Kent State University Research Center for Educational Technology - kent.edu/rcet/innovating-teaching-learning Session 2 - 2.7.20,  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.-  Educational Duct Tape Toolbox Focus Session: Flipgrid OETC (Ohio Educational Technology Conference) - 2.11.20-2.13.20 Revere Schools, OH - 2.14.20 KySTE Spring Conference - 3.12.20 - kyste.org/Content2/conference Tech Meet Tuscaloosa - Tuscaloosa, Alabama - 5.29.20 uatmt.weebly.com WITCon (Whatever It Takes Conferences) - Galesburg, Ill - 6.12.20 - witconf.org ISTE - 6.30.20 ***Vote for the #EduDuctTape Panel*** conference.iste.org/2020/peopleschoice/proposal_detail.php?sessionid=113427428 Engage Conference, San Angelo, TX - 7.15.20 Book Jake as a Speaker! - JakeMiller.net/Speaking SoapBox Moment - "What's Your Adjacent Possible?" Today's Guest: Craig Klement Craig is the RTI Facilitator at Garland High School in Garland, TX. He is a Google Certified Trainer and former math teacher and edtech coach. Craig is a proud father of 3 wonderful kids... and another kid. He enjoys spending time with his family, playing board games and legos, reading, and playing/watching sports, including being an amateur softball coach for his daughter's team.  Contact Info: Twitter- @craigklement, Email- ctklemen@garlandisd.net, Blog -  "A Higher Calling"- craigklement.wordpress.com 2 Truths & 1 Lie Question #1: How do we "spice up" preparation for standardized tests? (based off of a Twitter question from Kristin Merrill) Link to the tweet Google MyMaps Choice Board - ditchthattextbook.com/take-a-road-trip-with-google-mymaps Desmos - Desmos.com  Khan Academy - KhanAcademy.org Make icons numbers Color icons Google Tour Builder - tourbuilder.withgoogle.com Digital Badging Google Forms - google.com/forms/about Use AutoCrat or FormMule to send kids badges cloudlab.newvisions.org/autocrat cloudlab.newvisions.org/form-mule Track in Google Sheets, Slides, Docs or Sites Schoology badging - support.schoology.com/hc/en-us/articles/201001833-How-do-I-use-Badges- Question #2: How can educators utilize technology to work smarter, not harder? eduProtocols - eduProtocols.com Jon Corippo episode - eduducttape.libsyn.com/jon-corippo-eduprotocols-formative-assessment-quizizz-gimkit-socrative-formative-cue-the-fast-amp-the-curious-nacho-paragraphs-and-more Reflecting on lessons and organizing reflections for easy follow-up the next year Craig's System Paper-based form → Google Form Google Form Pre-Filled Links  - Craig's video - youtube.com/watch?v=mw7Bjk1wTh4&t=103s Sample Spreadsheet - docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10wft2XwBDa67R_99Pc9hJqG_Ip9GCOlY54RK1Uh6NYo Using Google Sheets formulas to create the pre-filled links Formulas used: VLookUp - support.google.com/docs/answer/3093318 & Substitute - support.google.com/docs/answer/3094215 Hyperlink - support.google.com/docs/answer/3093313 autoCrat to send pdf - cloudlab.newvisions.org/autocrat Protect Ranges - https://support.google.com/docs/answer/1218656?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop Creating Google Sites "portals" or "hubs" for yourself, your staff or certain staff groups Toby Chrome Extension - gettoby.com Content from the Duct Taper Community Favorite #EduDuctTape Tweets: (each handle is linked to the mentioned tweet) @AbramsTank95 @craigklement @KeishaBioSpec @MrsPaden1st @BradShreffler New #EduDuctTape Tweeps: @BSGSCSFoster, @chargerblue, @GodinezMgodinez, @jamie_stark, @JJEMisch5, @KarenHeinzen1, @kat_goyette, @loveteachrise, @mamawolfeto2, @MatTechEd, @modonnellcisd, @mrmakemathsense, @msbearce, @MsConradEDU, @msfranksjje, @principledlady, @Prowlander, @Rdene915, @RiseVision, @shapegrams, @sheldoneakins, @sonnymagana, @TeachFromRidge, @teachstrickland, @vambaketesa #EduDuctTape FlipGrid Responses: Adrienne Hudson - @LoveTeachRise Ann Radefeld - @AnnRadefeld

Frankfurt CityChurch

Bibeltext zur Predigt: Philipper 1, 3-11

Manhã 93

Enfermeiro Marcelo Klement fala sobre tabagismo e suas consequências

PRS Journal Club

In this episode of the Award-winning PRS Journal Club Podcast, 2019 Resident Ambassadors to the PRS Editorial Board – Raj Parikh, Lily Mundy, and Kyle Sanniec- and special guest Scott T. Hollenbeck, MD, FACS, discuss the following articles from the September 2019 issue: "Timing of Microsurgical Reconstruction in Lower Extremity Trauma: An Update of the Godina Paradigm" by Lee, Stranix, Rifkin, et al. "Gluteal Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma" by Mendes, Mendes Maykeh, Frascino, et al. "Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction in the Obese: A Better Option Than Tissue Expander/Implant Reconstruction?" by Klement, Hijjawi, LoGiudice, et al. Special Guest Scott T. Hollenbeck, MD, FACS, Plastic Surgeon and Associate Professor of Surgery at Duke University. #PRSJournalClub #PlasticSurgery

Free Money with Sloane and Ashby

This episode of the Free Money podcast takes the world of pension and sovereign fund finance from dull to dazzling. We discuss the Department of Justice's investigation into big technology platforms, Elizabeth Warren's proposed Stop Wall Street Looting Act, and how today's regulatory environment pushes companies to act in ways that are individually brilliant, but collectively stupid. Then as always, we take questions from our listeners! You can (and should) ask one yourself by replying to this email. We answered three this week: There is a large trend — at least here in Europe — towards ESG (investment strategies driven by Environmental, Social, and Governance themes.) At the same time there is a trend towards divesting from fossil fuels and other dirty assets. But most of the time this is only done in secondary markets, not in primary markets. Does this help anyone or is it just creating asset bubbles in ESG assets? - Joachim Klement, author of Klement on Investing.Central banks keep interest rates at incredibly low levels. A hundred years ago we would have argued about the real bills doctrine and warned that low interest rates foster a misallocation of capital. What are your views on the current low interest rates and the possibility of misallocation of capital? - Joachim again. Read his blog!I'm hiring an entry level person, and my HR department insists I add "BA/BS Required" to the job description. This feels wrong to me - we may hire a college graduate, but i care more about drive and communications skills than a credential. Is it worth forcing this conversation now? I'd have to go to bat politically.... - Anonymous. This week's snazzy title music is Money Talks by Luca La Morgia. If you missed last week's episode and want to catch up, you can find it here. And if you're loving the podcast, why not send it to a friend? Get on the email list at freemoney.substack.com

Product: Knowledge

Part 1 of 2: Alan Klement wrote "When Coffee and Kale Compete: Become great at making products people will buy." The book provides a new way of thinking about your business: people don't buy your product for features, they hire your product to do a job: to make their life better.Klement's "Jobs to Be Done" (JTBD) idea is game-changing, transforming how product marketers approach and understand products and customers. Klement's perspective on "Jobs to Be Done" (JTBD) is game-changing, transforming how product marketers approach and understand products and customers.Book: http://www.whencoffeeandkalecompete.comTwitter: @alanklementJobs to Be Done Website: https://jtbd.info

Product: Knowledge

Part 2 of 2: Alan Klement wrote "When Coffee and Kale Compete: Become great at making products people will buy." The book provides a new way of thinking about your business: people don't buy your product for features, they hire your product to do a job: to make their life better.Klement's perspective on "Jobs to Be Done" (JTBD) is game-changing, transforming how product marketers approach and understand products and customers.Episode 1: What is "Jobs to be done" theory?Episode 2: A deeper dive: how to apply JTBD to your business.Book: http://www.whencoffeeandkalecompete.comTwitter: @alanklementJobs to Be Done Website: https://jtbd.info

STR - VfB Stuttgart Podcast

Die VfB Mitglieder stehen vor wichtigen Entscheidungen. Am Sonntag, 14.7. dürfen sie über den Verbleib von VfB Präsident Wolfgang Dietrich abstimmen. Sollten sich am Sonntag über 75% gegen Dietrich aussprechen, wäre Dietrich satzungsgemäß abgewählt. In einer weiteren Wahl wird entschieden wer neues Präsidiumsmitglied wird und damit auf Thomas Hitzlsperger folgt. Zur Wahl stehen Werner Gass (ehemaliger Spieler des VfB) und Rainer Mutschler (bis 2017 Marketingchef des VfB, seit 1.7. Direktor Administration im NLZ.) Außerdem dürfen die Mitglieder darüber entscheiden, ob das Präsidium für das Jahr 2018 entlastet wird. Zuvor wird allerdings, ebenfalls per Wahl entschieden ob das Präsidium gemeinsam, oder jedes Mitglied einzeln entlastete werden soll. Riky spricht mit Tim (Blog aus Cannstatt), Lennart (Rund um den Brustring – Auf Twitter: @RundudBrustring) und Sebastian (Vertikalpass – Auf Twitter: @Vertikalpass) über die MV, die Wahlen und über die, am Dienstag stattgefunden "VfB im Dialog" Veranstaltung. Des Weiteren geht es natürlich auch ums Sportliche. Seit ein paar Tagen befindet sich Tim Walter mit seiner Mannschaft im 2. Trainingslager in St.Gallen. Neben guten Leistungen und interessanten Teambuilding-Maßnahmen gab es leider auch schlechte Nachrichten. Mehrere Spieler verletzten sich zum Teil schwer und fehlen dem VfB in nächster Zeit. Der letzte Themenschwerpunkt dieser Ausgabe ist das Transfer-Update. Riky spricht mit Marco (PaderCast, #schwarzundblau – Auf Twitter: @schwarzundblau) über Neuzugang Philipp Klement. Was können wir VfB-Fans von Klement erwarten? Was ist er für ein Typ und passt er in Tim Walters System? Viel spaß mit der neuen STR Folge!

EV News Daily - Electric Car Podcast

Show #511   Good morning, good afternoon and good evening wherever you are in the world, welcome to EV News Daily for Thursday 27th June 2019. It's Martyn Lee here and I go through every EV story to save you time.             Thank you to MYEV.com for helping make this show, they've built the first marketplace specifically for Electric Vehicles. It's a totally free marketplace that simplifies the buying and selling process, and help you learn about EVs along the way too.   Hello to new EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ROBIN TANNER   Welcome to heatwave Europe. Where it's currently too hot to drive fast in Germany.   3 days left to buy you Tesla and get the current Federal Tax Credit: "The federal government provides a tax credit of $7,500 to buyers for the first 200,000 electric vehicles sold by each company. After a manufacturer sells that first tranche, the tax credit drops by half for cars sold over the next six months — then by half again for another six months before disappearing entirely."   TESLA'S SECRET BATTERY LAB There have been multiple clues to why Tesla is going their own route on battery cell production, without their long time partner Panasonic. Firstly if you go way back, look at Panasonic making positive noises about their plans with Toyota and Elon saying Panasonic hadn't hit capacity for Tesla. Generally when relationships are rock solid, people don't wash their dirty laundry in public. Then there have been more obvious things - a little while ago I tweeted the current jobs page on Tesla.com which was looking for people with experience in cell production logistics, and most recently it was Elon and JB exchanging badly-disguised giggles on stage when talking their plans. But all this has been widely reported by many websites and podcast like Ryan McCaffrey and Rob Mauerer's Tesla Daily for a while now. And today from CNBC: ""Tesla is developing the means to manufacture its own battery cells, according to five current and recent employees, something that the electric vehicle maker has relied on Panasonic to do since the companies signed an extensive partnership deal in 2014. Tesla employees conduct some of their battery cell manufacturing research at a "skunkworks lab" at the company's Kato Road facility, a few minutes from its car plant in Fremont, California. Employees in Tesla's battery R&D teams are now focused on designing and prototyping advanced lithium ion battery cells, as well as new equipment and processes that could allow Tesla to produce cells in high volumes, employees and former employees said."   https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/26/tesla-secret-lab-building-battery-cells-to-reduce-panasonic-dependency.html   TESLA TO EXPAND IN UKRAINE AND EASTERN EUROPE "Ukraine is now being considered as another Eastern European country Tesla Inc. plans to expand into as it seeks to establish itself in more geographical markets." reports IB TImes: "With Tesla entrenched in Western Europe, the only direction left to go to is east. Tesla is finally expanding towards Eastern Europe in response to pleas from the few Tesla owners in this region. It's already known Tesla will first expand into the Czech Republic."   https://www.ibtimes.com/tesla-expand-ukraine-eastern-europe-says-musk-2803317   BMW SAYS DIESELS WILL STILL BE AROUND FOR AT LEAST 20 YEARS Earlier this week I told you about the BMW electric plans, but just to recap: "At this week's #NEXTGen event held in Munich, BMW unveiled the rather intriguing Vision M Next concept to signal what could turn into a production hybrid sports coupe with 600 horsepower. It would be one of the many electrified models planned by the Bavarians as the company has set a new objective to have 25 electrified cars on sale by 2023, with more than half of these to eschew the combustion engine altogether. A plug-in hybrid model from the BMW M division has already been confirmed, with a fully electric M car slated to arrive after the middle of the next decade." according to Motor1.   https://www.motor1.com/news/356878/bmw-says-diesels-survive-20-years/   E-BIKE OR E-SCOOTER? "It has the silhouette of a mountain bike, but instead of pedals it has platforms that can take you up to 45 km / h! A zero-emission proposal that we have tried in preview in the center of Prague" reports InsideEVs Italia: "Technically it has been defined as a "crossover of individual micro-mobility ", but in reality Klement is something different. It is not an e-bike or even an e-scooter or even a hoverboard even if it shares some logic. by tilting the platforms forward it accelerates, while backwards it decelerates and, by the way, the front hydraulic brake system is equipped with ABS . And if you are wondering if the braking power is not excessive, the answer is "absolutely not" given the performances that are achieved. The two lithium batteries, each with 52 cells , have a total capacity of 1.25kWh and ensure an autonomy of 62 km "   CAR MAKERS VS. THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY "GM, like a fleet of other car manufacturers, is seeking the extension of a tax break that has for a decade helped sustain the sale of cars that need little to no gasoline to run." reports The Washington Post today: "This has triggered an intense lobbying battle with oil and natural gas companies, which supply the fuel that runs the internal-combustion engines that dominate American roadways. Derrick Morgan, senior vice president of the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, said he has "met with dozens and dozens" of lawmakers to highlight the high cost of the tax break. Proponents of the credit argue that the oil industry has received similarly sized tax breaks."   https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2019/06/25/lobbying-battle-electric-vehicle-tax-credit-its-car-makers-vs-oil-gas-industry   HOW THE 710 HP ELECTRIC 5 SERIES DEVELOPMENT CAR WORKS From David Tracy at Jalopnik who gives us more details on the BMW test BEV "BMW calls it "Lucy." It's 710 horsepower, 848 lb-ft, triple-electric-motor, one-off sedan that the automaker says can do 0-62 mph in 2.8 seconds. Lucy's being used to develop future electric vehicles, and after getting a ride in this modified 5 Series, I can tell you that the thing is an absolute monster. [It's] a G30 BMW 5 Series which had its floor modified to fit a 45 kWh battery, and its internal combustion engine replaced by three electric motors. Up front, though, the power electronics are integrated into a roughly 220-pound (100 kilogram) cast aluminum case that houses a motor and gearbox in what BMW dubs its "fifth-generation drive unit," also called "HEAT." Cooling the 200 kW HEAT up front—a drive unit design also found on the upcoming iX3 crossover—is both water and oil, and BMW claims the setup has a maintenance-free target of over 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers)."   https://jalopnik.com/i-rode-in-bmws-absurd-710-hp-electric-5-series-developm-1835820250   GE'S 12 MEGAWATT HALIADE-X OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE DESTINED FOR TESTING IN THE UK "GE Renewable Energy announced this week that its 12 megawatt (MW) Haliade-X offshore wind turbine will head to the United Kingdom as part of an advanced technology testing program at the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult's site in Blyth." says CleanTechnica: "GE Renewable Energy's 12 MW Haliade-X behemoth is set to be the largest wind turbine in the world when it begins shipping in 2021, and will measure in at 260 meters in height and boast a 220-meter rotor, capable of generating enough clean electricity for 16,000 households all on its own." "We want to bring the most powerful offshore wind turbine to the world's largest offshore wind market and contribute with our technology to support the UK's Offshore Wind Sector Deal goal (30 GW by 2030)" - John Lavelle, President & CEO of GE's Offshore Wind business.   https://cleantechnica.com/2019/06/26/ges-12-megawatt-haliade-x-offshore-wind-turbine-destined-for-testing-in-the-uk/   AKASOL ENTERS NORTH AMERICAN MARKET WITH NEW PRODUCTION FACILITY With almost 30 years' experience in battery systems technology, AKASOL develops and manufactures high-performance lithium-ion battery systems for buses, commercial vehicles, trains, industrial vehicles and the marine sector. AKASOL has announced plans to open a production facility in the metro Detroit area of Michigan, USA. The new facility will generate considerable investment and create over 200 jobs in the next five years. The location of the site will also ensure that AKASOL's customers comply with Buy America Act regulations, which dictate that they must purchase locally-produced battery systems.   COMMUNITY And thanks to MYEV.com they've set us another Question Of The Week. Keep your comments coming in on email and YouTube…   Do EVs have anything more to prove?   I want to say a heartfelt thank you to the 227 patrons of this podcast whose generosity means I get to keep making this show, which aims to entertain and inform thousands of listeners every day about a brighter future. By no means do you have to check out Patreon but if it's something you've been thinking about, by all means look at patreon.com/evnewsdaily     PHIL ROBERTS / ELECTRIC FUTURE (PREMIUM PARTNER) BRAD CROSBY (PREMIUM PARTNER)   DAVID ALLEN (PARTNER) OEM AUDIO OF NEW ZEALAND AND EVPOWER.CO.NZ (PARTNER) PAUL O'CONNOR (PARTNER) TRYEV.COM ALAN ROBSON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ALAN SHEDD (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ALEX BANAHENE (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ALEXANDER FRANK @ https://www.youtube.com/c/alexsuniverse42 ANDERS HOVE (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ARILD GEIR SKAALSVEEN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ASHLEY HILL (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) BÅRD FJUKSTAD (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) BARRY PENISTON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) BOB MUIR / GINGERCOMPUTERS.COM IN DUNDEE (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) BORISLAV BORISOV (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) BRENT KINGSFORD (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) BRIAN THOMPSON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) BRIAN WEATHERALL (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) CESAR TRUJILLO (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) CHARLES HALL (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) CHRIS BENSON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) CHRIS HOPKINS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) CRAIG COLES (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) CRAIG ROGERS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DAMIEN DAVIS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DAN FAIRS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DARREN BYRD (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DARREN SANT FROM YORKSHIRE EV CLUB (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DAVE DEWSON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DAVID BARKMAN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DAVID FINCH (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DAVID PARTINGTON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DAVID PRESCOTT (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DIRK RUTSATZ (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) DON MCALLISTER / SCREENCASTSONLINE.COM (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ENRICO STEPHAN-SCHILOW (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) FREDRIK ROVIK (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) FREEJOULE AKA JAMES (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) GEORGE CLARGO (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JACK OAKLEY (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JAMES STORR (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JASON FAN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JEFF ERBES (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JERRY ALLISON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JILL SMITH (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JOHN BAILEY (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JON AKA BEARDY MCBEARDFACE FROM KENT EVS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JON KNODEL (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) JUAN GONZALEZ (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) KEN MORRIS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) KEVIN MEYERSON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) KYLE MAHAN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) LARS DAHLAGER (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) LAURENCE D ALLEN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) LEO (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) LESZEK GRZYL (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) LOUIS HOPKIN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) LUKE CULLEY (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MARCEL LOHMANN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MARCEL WARD (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MARLIN SCHELL (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MARTIN CROFT (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MATT PISCIONE (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MATTHEW ELLIS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MATTHEW GROOBY (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MAZ SHAR (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MIA OPPELSTRUP (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MICHAEL PASTRONE (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MICHEAEL KYFFIN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MIKE ROGERS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) MIKE WINTER (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) NATHAN GORE-BROWN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) NEIL E ROBERTS FROM SUSSEX EVS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) OHAD ASTON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) PAUL RIDINGS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) PAUL SEAGER-SMITH (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) PAUL STEPHENSON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) PERRY SIMPKINS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) PETE GLASS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER)  PHIL MOUCHET (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) PONTUS KINDBLAD (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) RAJ BADWAL (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) RAJEEV NARAYAN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) RALPH JENSON (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) RENÉ SCHNEIDER (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ROB COOLING / HTTP://WWW.APPLEDRIVING.CO.UK/ (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ROB HERMANS (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ROBIN TANNER (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) RUPERT MITCHELL (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) SARAH MCCANN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) SARI KANGASOJA (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) SEIKI PAYNE (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) STEVE JOHN (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) STUART HANNAH (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) THE LIMOUSINE LINE SYDNEY (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) THE PLUGSEEKER – EV YOUTUBE CHANNEL (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) TIM GUTTERIDGE (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) WALTER MACVANE (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) ZACK HURST (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER)   You can listen to all 510 previous episodes of this this for free, where you get your podcasts from, plus the blog https://www.evnewsdaily.com/ – remember to subscribe, which means you don't have to think about downloading the show each day, plus you get it first and free and automatically. 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Ozvěny minulosti

14. června začalo jedno z nejtemnějších období Československa. V tento den roku 1948 se definitivně završil komunistický převrat v Československu a na Pražský hrad usedl jako čtvrtý prezident Klement Gottwald. Právě on nesl zodpovědnost za následný policejní a justiční teror. Přestože byl ve funkci krátce, tak v průběhu jeho vlády bylo popraveno 237 lidí, z toho 190 pro politické zločiny.

Hermann Scherer Podcast

Andreas Klement ist Trainer, Unternehmensberater und Personalentwickler.Er unterstützt Unternehmen bei ihrer Strategieentwicklung in Verbindung mit passenden Personalentwicklungskonzepten. Er setzt dabei ganz auf Mitarbeiterorientierung: Je höher der Standardisierungsgrad in der Firma, desto individueller sollte man mit seinen Mitarbeitern umgehen. Es fällt vielen Unternehmern schwer, die alte, klassische Führungsweise mit der einer modernen, agilen Art zu verbinden. Deshalb bringt Andreas Klement zwei Dinge zusammen, die auf den ersten Blick gar nicht so viel gemeinsam haben: Leadership und Sport. Der Gedanke dahinter: Die meisten Wirtschaftsunternehmen treten meist nur als Sponsoren auf, machen sich jedoch nicht klar, welche Erfolgs-Facetten ein Sportler hat. Und sein Erfolg gibt Andreas Recht: Seine Seminare sind so gut wie immer ausgebucht.ickets für Hermann Scherer Live findest Du hier: www.hermannscherer.com/bonus See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

FBB - For Bibel og Bekjennelse

The Fire and the Staff – Lutheran theology in practice

Hunt Harvest Health

Ryan and Hillary share about their new product, and Justin Klement shares his personal struggle with Lyme Disease. Today we announce our new collaboration with Matt Kleman and his Full Spectrum Hemp Products. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Frankfurt CityChurch

Bibeltext zur Predigt: Matthäus 24, 36-46 Auf eine eindrucksvolle und hoffnungsvolle Weise zeigt Johannes Klement auf, wie wir Menschen schwere Zeiten erleben und dass Gott mit uns mitleidet! Dabei stellt er klar: jeder braucht Menschen, die einen tragen und das Gebet - darin liegt die Kraft diese Zeiten zu überwinden.

Aktuelle Wirtschaftsnews aus dem Radio mit Michael Weyland

Themen heute:    KLEMENT: elektrisches Zweiradkonzept von SKODA für nachhaltige Mikromobilität in der Stadt  ///   Autogas behauptet sich erneut als Alternativkraftstoff Nr. 1   1. Mit dem Mobilitätskonzept KLEMENT zeigt ŠKODA auf dem Genfer Auto-Salon, wie sich der Automobilhersteller in Zukunft Mikromobilität in Großstädten vorstellt: elektrisch, innovativ und modern. Der integrierte 4-kW-Radnabenmotor beschleunigt KLEMENT auf eine Spitzengeschwindigkeit von bis zu 45 km/h, Gas und Bremse lassen sich über schwenkbare Pedale bedienen. Das ermöglicht ein ebenso innovatives wie kinderleichtes Handling. Eine hydraulische Bremse vorn mit ABS-Funktion sowie ins Fahrzeug integrierte LED-Lichter sorgen jederzeit für eine sichere Fahrt. KLEMENT spannt außerdem den Bogen zu den Ursprüngen des Unternehmens: Vor 124 Jahren nahm die Geschichte von ŠKODA unter den Gründervätern Václav Laurin und Václav Klement mit der Herstellung von Fahrrädern ihren Anfang. Bei ŠKODA AUTO, sagt man: „Mikromobilität gewinnt in Städten immer stärker an Bedeutung. Mit dem KLEMENT präsentieren wir auf dem Genfer Auto-Salon, wie wir uns die Zukunft der Mikromobilität vorstellen: Nachhaltig, innovativ, elektrisch und puristisch-modern designt. Der KLEMENT ist ein modernes, dynamisches und leicht zu bedienendes Fahrzeug und rückt die Marke ŠKODA weiter ins Bewusstsein einer jungen, aktiven Zielgruppe mit ausgeprägtem Umweltbewusstsein. Das Konzept passt perfekt zu unseren Kunden und unserer E Mobilitäts Strategie. +++Wir prüfen deshalb, ob und wie dieses spannende, neue Mobilitätskonzept unser Portfolio in Zukunft ergänzen könnte."   2. Autogas schneidet nach den jüngsten Zahlen des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamtes (KBA) zum Fahrzeugbestand wieder als stärkster Alternativkraftstoff am deutschen Markt ab. Der Deutsche Verband Flüssiggas e. V. (DVFG) sieht in der positiven Entwicklung bei den Neuzulassungen frischen Wind für die Branche. Am 1. Januar 2019 waren laut KBA 395.592 Autogas-Fahrzeuge in Deutschland zugelassen. Im Januar 2019 konnte Autogas zudem im Vergleich zum Januar 2018 ein Plus von 123,4 Prozent bei den monatlichen Neuzulassungen vorweisen. Den Rückgang im Bestand im Vergleich zum Januar 2018 führt der DVFG darauf zurück, dass Altfahrzeuge aus dem Markt ausgeschieden sind, deren Zahl durch den Zuwachs bei den Neuzulassungen nicht vollständig aufgefangen werden konnte. Hinter Autogas-PKW rangieren im Bestand der alternativen Antriebe Hybrid- (341.411), Elektro- (83.175) sowie Erdgasfahrzeuge (80.776). Diesen Beitrag können Sie nachhören oder downloaden unter:

My Worst Investment Ever Podcast

Joachim Klement is Head of Investment Research at Fidante Partners where he investigates long-term investment trends, alternative investments, and listed investment trusts. He was previously Head of Thematic Research at Credit Suisse, Chief Investment Officer at Wellershoff & Partners and Head of Equity Strategy at UBS Wealth Management. He holds Masters degrees in Mathematics and Economics as well as the CFA and CFP designations.  In today's episode, Joachim shares how his first investments were once doing great but ended up losing tremendously.  Know the two important lessons he got from this experience and why you shouldn't make the same mistakes.  Get that one great actionable piece of advice from this expert that could make you a better investor.  Hear this and more in another story of meaningful failure and momentous success.   "Keep investing. Don't get frozen off just because you had some loses yet some bad mistakes in your past. That's what we're here to learn from all of us, and we get better every day." - Joachim Klement     What do you want to hear from the My Worst Investment Ever Podcast? Tell us here!   Resources:  My Worst Investment Ever Book myworstinvestmentever.com   Topics Covered: 02:00 – Joachim talks about working from the bubble and tech industries in the late nineties and switching into finance in 2000 03:00 – Sharing the highlights and lowlights behind his investments in the tech and finance industries 05:50 – Two essential lessons he got from this experience 07:27 – Andrew gives his equally valuable takeaways in this story 08:52 – The meaning of diversification and why you should apply it in your investments 13:01 – Andrew shares the three words he likes to say all the time 15:49 – Advice from Joachim in avoiding the same mistakes he did   Main Takeaways: Lesson 1: "The eternal wisdom of everybody who saved for retirement slash is investing." – Joachim Klement Lesson 2: "It's kind of important to talk for a moment about your first investment because it's a little bit like your first girlfriend, you know, you don't really know what you're doing, but you know the other people, and you think you know what you're doing, but in fact you don't know it all, but you know that everybody else is doing it." – Andrew Stotz Lesson 3: "Diversification means that you always have some stocks that do well. And it always means that also, unfortunately, that you have some stocks that you hate." – Joachim Klement Lesson 4: "Everybody's busy. So, you end up spending so much time creating your wealth that you don't have time to keep on top of the investments that you're trying to grow your wealth." – Andrew Stotz Lesson 5: "The solution in that case for most people is probably to go with something highly diversified. Keep contributing to it over time and just let it grow. But the mistake that many people will make is they want to get into a fancy idea, but they don't realize they just don't have time to keep on top of that idea." – Andrew Stotz Lesson 6: "Preserve your wealth." – Joachim Klement Lesson 7: "If you want to create wealth, diversification is not the best way to do it. But if you want to stay rich or if you want to protect your wealth, then proper diversification is the way forward." – Joachim Klement Lesson 8: "Look at your own history, look at your own experiences and learn from these experiences." – Joachim Klement Lesson 9: "One thing that I've introduced in my life is basically, since that first experience, was to have an investment diary where I note down just kind of free quick bullet points for every investment decision I make, whether I buy something or what I sell something or even sometimes if I consider buying something and then don't do it, I just note down what is the investment case, why should it work? – Joachim Klement   You can also check out Andrew's books How to Start Building Your Wealth Investing in the Stock Market My Worst Investment Ever 9 Valuation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Transform Your Business with Dr.Deming's 14 Points   Connect with Joachim Klement: www.fidante.com LinkedIn Twitter   Connect with Andrew Stotz: astotz.com Linkedin Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube My Worst Investment Ever Podcast


Im MorningCall berichten wir über die Transferpolitik des HSV, der zwei Topspieler will und zwei talenten den Abschied nahegelegt hat. Wir sprechen über den von Trainer Wolf ausgerufenen "Ausscheidungskampf" und natürlich noch einmal über die erste Live-Debatte der Präsidentschaftskandidaten im TV bei rautenperle.com. Also: Das volle Programm HSV...

Christusgemeinde Ingolstadt | Audio Podcast

Eine Predigt von Tim Klement Operation Rettung Predigttext: Johannes 20, 19-23 Weitere Infos über uns findest Du auf unserer Homepage: www.cg-i.de Auf unserer Youtube Seite findest du Video-Predigten Besuche uns auch auf Facebook und Instagram

Through the Noise

381 Richard G. Thissen, President, and Jessica Klement, Staff Vice President for Advocacy, for the National Active & Retired Federal Employees Association

Through the Noise

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 24, 2018 48:36

Richard G. Thissen is the NARFE National President. Prior to being elected in August 2014, Thissen served as NARFE National Treasurer, a post he had held since 2011. Thissen spent 27 years in federal service as a civilian employed for the Army. He was an Army level career program manager from 1989 to 1995 and served as personnel manager for some 700 civilians stationed worldwide. He has an extensive background in employee and retiree benefits and regulations. He has been a NARFE member since 1995, following his retirement from federal service. He has held a number of positions at the chapter and federation levels, including serving as president of the Missouri Federation. He was elected Region V Regional Vice President in 2002. Jessica Klement is the NARFE Staff Vice President, Advocacy. She is responsible for carrying out the legislative, grassroots and political strategies of one of the nation's largest federal employee and retiree organization. As the association's chief lobbyist, she is responsible for taking NARFE members' concerns to Congress. Prior to joining NARFE, Klement served as the Government and Public Affairs Director at the Federal Managers Association, a membership organization representing the interests of the over 200,000 managers and supervisors in the federal government.   The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing the earned pay, retirement and health care benefits of federal employees, retirees and their survivors.

Industrial IoT Spotlight

*This episode of the Industrial IoT Spotlight Podcast is sponsored by the Industrial Internet Consortium What are the barriers to adoption of IoT in organisations? How can solution providers guide clients to realise the full value of IoT? How can end users successfully use IoT to drive quantitative business value? We discuss the 6 steps to IoT success in an organisational and industrial context. The framework developed by Peter for the IIC formalises the discussion around the implementation of IoT and heavily emphasises organisational factors that may derail success.    Peter Klement is the IoT Lead of DXC. DXC is the world's leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, helping clients harness the power of innovation to thrive on change. Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC Technology is a $25 billion company with a 60-year legacy of delivering results for thousands of clients in more than 70 countries. Our technology independence, global talent and extensive partner network combine to deliver powerful next-generation IT services and solutions. Contact Peter: pklement@dxc.com   The next IIC meeting will be in Chicago the week of September 12th to 15th, the Q4 meeting will be in China on November 16. Non-IIC members are welcome to stop by and meet the community so please do make an effort.   IoT ONE is an online platform devoted to accelerating adoption of Industrial Internet solutions. We are mapping the global ecosystem of IoT vendors, use cases, case studies, and technologies. We leverage this data to help companies source technology, research competitors, and enter new markets. https://www.iotone.com


Algas Mustamäe kiriku ehitus. Tiina Klement, Taavi Turvas. Meelis Süld


Algas Mustamäe kiriku ehitus. Tiina Klement, Taavi Turvas. Meelis Süld

Through the Noise

Today we sit down with Richard G. Thissen & Jessica Klement who represent 225,000 members of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. The majority of the federal workforce is spread out all over the country although many people have the wrong impression that people who work for the government only live in Washington, DC. Ms. Klement is part of the lobbying faction to ensure that Congress does cut into the benefits of retired members, amongst other issues concerning the millions of Americans that fit under the heading of retired federal workers. Though their membership is quite a bit larger than many nonprofits we have on Through the Noise, they are striving to go bigger and are aiming to have Congress fear their NARFE voting record the way they fear their NRA record. Is this a target for your organization? Listen up for tips. "Richard G. Thissen is the National President of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE), one of the largest federal employee and retiree organizations dedicated to protecting the earned rights and benefits of America's active and retired federal workers. Dick spent 27 years in federal service as a civilian employed by the Department of the Army before taking on various roles within NARFE and ultimately being elected as National President of NARFE in 2014. Jessica Klement is the legislative director of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) and is responsible for carrying out the legislative and political strategies of the organization, as well as taking NARFE members' concerns to Congress as the association's chief lobbyist. Jessica's policy analysis on federal employee and retiree issues has been featured in The Washington Post, NPR, USA Today and the Associated Press and she is a regular guest on Federal News Radio." The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing the earned pay, retirement and health care benefits of federal employees, retirees and their survivors.

The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou

Today I'm thrilled to have Kai Klement on the show. Kai is someone who reached out to me with an incredible story and I knew that I needed to have him on the podcast. Kai and his partner Jorg(yerg) are the co-founders of Kavaj (kavai), an internationally top-selling leather case manufacturer for phones and tablets. They've sold over 500,000 cases generating over 17 million in revenue. They both started out as former Amazon employees with zero knowledge of manufacturing, or product creation and ended up creating this awesome ipad and phone case company. Enjoy the interview! What You'll Learn How […] The post 107: How To Make 17 Million Dollars Selling iPhone And iPad Cases Online With Kai Klement appeared first on MyWifeQuitHerJob.com.

Evolution Radio Show - Alles was du über Keto, Low Carb und Paleo wissen musst

Audio: Video: In dieser Folge: Welchen Einfluss die Ketose auf den Krebs hat. Warum es gerade zum Zeitpunkt der Strahlentherapie wichtig ist, in Ketose zu sein. Welche Abstufungen der ketogenen Ernährung es gibt. Supplementierung mit MCT Öl und exogenen Ketonen Das Video der aktuellen Folge direkt auf Youtube öffnen Eine wohl formulierte Low Carb Ernährungsweise lerne in meinem kostenlosen Online Seminar alles über die ketogene Ernährung Gratis Online Seminar Kurze Zusammenfassung Gäste Dr. Rainer Klement Dr. Rainer Klement, medizinischer Physiker aus Schweinfurt, arbeitet und forscht zum Thema ketogene Ernährung und ihr therapeutischer Einsatz bei Krebserkrankungen. Vor allem aber liegt sein Fokus auf den synergistischen Effekten von Strahlentherapie und Chemotherapie im Zusammenspiel mit einer ketogenen Ernährung. Ketogene Ernährung mindert Kachexie, also den starken Gewichtsverlust bei vielen Krebspatienten. Sie hat positiven Einfluss auf die Körperzusammensetzung. Durch eine ketogene Ernährung wird Insulin niedrig gehalten. Insulin spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Wachstum, gerade bei Tumorzellen. Die meisten Tumorzellen Überexpremieren Insulinrezeptoren und IGF-1 Rezeptoren. Insulin setzt eine Signalkaskade in gang, die der Tumorzelle signalisieren „ die Bedingungen sind günstig". Ein erhöhter Insulinspiegel wirkt auch als Schutz für die Tumorzelle während der Bestrahlung. So sterben die Zellen nicht ab, während wenn der Insulinspiegel niedrig ist, dieser Schutz nicht vorhanden ist. Ketonkörper sind epigenetisch wirkende Faktoren – Histone deacetylase Inhibitoren Sie wirken auf das Genom der Tumorzelle, aber auch auf das der gesunden Zelle. Sie hemmen das Wachstum der Tumorzelle und schützen die gesunde Zelle vor Schäden der Bestrahlung aber auch der Chemotherapie Publizierte Studien von Dr. Rainer Klement. Besonders hervorzuheben: **Fortifying the Treatment of Prostate Cancer with Physical Activity. **Champ CE, Francis L, Klement RJ, Dickerman R, Smith RP.Prostate Cancer. 2016 Weitere deutsche Keto und Krebs Experten im Internet: Ulrike Gonder – hier in Folge #040 im Interview und ihr Buch  Mehr Fett! – Warum wir mehr Fett brauchen, um gesund und schlank zu sein Broschiert – 10. November 2010 Ulrike Kämmerer und ihr Buch Krebszellen lieben Zucker – Patienten brauchen Fett Webseiten Dr. Rainer Klement JULIAS BLOG http://PaleoLowCarb.de/ PAWELS BLOG http://superhumanoid.de

SolopreneurCast - for og med soloselvstændige

Cohost er Klement Trabolt fra virksomheden Balanzz  I denne jubilæumsepisode af Solopreneurcast genopliver vi cool tool, på mange opfordringer - men det er nu hosts og cohosts, der kommer med dem. Karin siger: Cooltool - Standardsvar i gmail - jeg bruger det til min signatur - har forskellige til forskellige formål. Men det kan også være nogle standardsvar, som man oplever sig selv sidde og skrive igen og igen. Det er jo lidt spild af tid. Sådan gør du: Slå Standardsvar til Du slår Standardsvar-funktionen til ved vælge tandhjulet i højre hjørne af din Gmail, og herefter klikker du på mail-indstillinger og vælger fanebladet "labs". Her skal du scrolle ned og finde den labs-funktion, der hedder "Standardsvar" eller "Canned messages", hvis du bruger Gmail på engelsk. Du kan også oprette et filter, så du automatisk sender et bestemt standardsvar, hvis du  får en mail fra en bestemt person. http://www.computerworld.dk/art/199154/saadan-laver-du-smarte-automat-svar-i-gmail#Z1EcgkhH5B2eJ0p6.99   Klement Trabolt  taler om ens arbejde som et kald. Og hvis man ikke kan  se meningen med sit arbejde, så er det faktisk muligt - ofte med hans hjælp - at finde "kaldet" eller passionen frem i arbejdet. I det hele taget er det vigtigt at tænke over, hvad der egentlig driver en i virksomheden - hvad er dit kald? 5. november udkommer hans første bog "Hemmeligheden bag en god dag" og han varmer op til bogreception . Vi taler om, hvordan bogen er blevet til, og hvorfor Klement har valgt at bruge ghostwriter og udgivebogen på eget forlag.  Karin har været på lokalejagt - mest på Frederiksberg. Også her glæder man sig over at være solo - skal ikke absolut tage hensyn til nogle medarbejderes velbefindende og plads et nyt sted - og det er en kærkommen anledning til at "ryste posen". Men min oplevelse er, at det er meget anderledes end at søge efter privat bolig - der er nogle betingelser mange steder, som man aldrig ville acceptere i ens private liv. Samtidig er ens lokaler, hvis man altså har nogen, med til at definere, skabe og forme ens virksomhed og give den identitet. I episode 51 fortæller hun, hvor det nye virksomhedsresidens kommer til at ligge.

#plugintodevin - Your Mark on the World with Devin Thorpe

January 23, 2015 - Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: http://onforb.es/1JdMnmz. Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes by clicking here: http://bit.ly/ymotwitunes or on Stitcher by clicking here: http://bit.ly/ymotwstitcher. Omidyar Network, founded by Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay, and his wife Pam, is a driving force in the movement toward impact investing, using investments to drive social impact. Amy Klement, a partner at Omidyar Network or ON, explains the way she thinks about driving change, "Many ultra-high net worth individuals want to use the wealth they've acquired to make a social impact. Yet when creating a legacy, the power of markets often gets left out of their philanthropy." She continues, "Our perspective at Omidyar Network is that wealth holders can and should bring their full range of experience and assets to address problems too big to be solved by grants alone. We are ultimately focused on the betterment of humankind. That's why we focus on impact investing and grants." Explaining the way in which ON brings either grants or investments or a combination, Klement says, "A hybrid entity like ours provides the flexibility to do whatever fits the bill. We call it the 'problem first, tool second' approach. This approach allows for the market-based solutions that are needed to address long intractable challenges at scale." "We support social entrepreneurs and their innovative ideas through impact investing and grants," she concludes. Please consider whether a friend or colleague might benefit from this piece and, if so, share it.

Mamie Van Doren In Xanadu Radio Show

remixes musiques de films par Silencide, David Fenech, Thiaz Itch, Klement, Yavn and Lendl, Vernon Lenoir ...playlist disponible sur http://www.radio-fmr.net/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=166

Lisa Hendey & Friends

This week I share my interview with Catholic Mom and musician Jenny Klement and preview her CD "Grace is Falling". We share another wonderful and announce the Catholic New Media Celebration on June 22 in Atlanta. I'll be there - will you? Be sure to enter this month's contests and share your feedback at 206-339-9272 or email lisa@catholicmom.com.Links for this episode:Diocesan Promotional Catalog -

Wkayli Who Died and Came Back and Lived for 2 Years Is She Still Alive

Source: https://ivy.fm/tag/klement

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